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Why do guys always ask what we were thinking about?!!!

It's so annoying that the bf will always ask the gf what she's thinking about when she's quiet and not thinking about anything. And when she said no, he kept asking as if she's trying to hide something. It's so annoying!!! Especially he's asking in a freakin cheesy way!! That's what my ex did. That annoyed me so much!

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Reply 1
Girls are sly creatures that play all sorts of mind games...maybe he thinks you could be just saying you're not thinking anything to see how interested he is in you etc.
Reply 2
It must be due to the bf feeling insecure that you might leave him .. oh look you did leave him (..ex...)
Reply 3
It must be due to the bf feeling insecure that you might leave him .. oh look you did leave him (..ex...)

he's really insecure and that bothered me , and that's why i left him.:rolleyes:

also i always have to make something up just to put him at peace! That's annoying.
Reply 4
Well I'm gay but a while ago I went on a date with this guy who constantly kept asking "what are you thinking about?" - I absolutely hated it. Once was ok, but after that I was ok wtf?! He must have asked about 30 times in the space of an hour.
Reply 5
Well I'm gay but a while ago I went on a date with this guy who constantly kept asking "what are you thinking about?" - I absolutely hated it. Once was ok, but after that I was ok wtf?! He must have asked about 30 times in the space of an hour.

yeah, that bugg me so much, especially he ask in a cheesy tune! grrrr, i'm annoyed just thinking bout the way he asked me.
Reply 6
i think it's girls who ask that more than guys do!

when people ask me that i immediately forget what i was thinking about and have to make something up. plus usually i wouldn't be able to describe what i was thinking anyway, and sometimes i don't even know what i'm thinking myself, and sometimes thinking lots of things at once! it's such a horrible rubbish question.
Reply 7
It's so annoying that the bf will always ask the gf what she's thinking about when she's quiet and not thinking about anything. And when she said no, he kept asking as if she's trying to hide something. It's so annoying!!! Especially he's asking in a freakin cheesy way!! That's what my ex did. That annoyed me so much!

It's a generalisation but the general consensus is that girls tend to ask their partners what they think because they seem to be keeping their thoughts to themselves. Of course the roles can be reversed.
Reply 8
he wants you to come out with something durrtyyy :wink:
Reply 9
you must have had a strange smile on your face or something.
Reply 10
you must have had a strange smile on your face or something.

no, i was just looking aroun but not at him.

he wants you to come out with something durrtyyy

Reply 11
Maybe he thought if he didn't ask you'd accuse him of not paying you enough attention?

Maybe he was bored and wanted a chat?

Maybe he couldn't be arsed to walk the tightrope of possible foot in mouth and so decided to find out what was going through your mind?

Maybe he was checking you actually think?
Reply 12
Because lady-folk are a riddle, wrapped in a mystery inside an engima. Any insight gained into your psyche allows a greater understanding of you and your actions, and so allows their prediction, which is naturally a valuable ability.
Yes I HATE this's like they want you to say something cheesy, but it really annoys me and I always just say something about the surroundings like "the lights are pretty" (we were looking at the harbour and there were loads of high-rise building lights across the water). It's like...cant you just leave me be?? I don't have to talk every single second nor do I have to report to you what's going on inside my mind.. I mean if i wanted to say something I woudl just say it. (rant over :P)
It's so annoying that the bf will always ask the gf what she's thinking about when she's quiet and not thinking about anything. And when she said no, he kept asking as if she's trying to hide something. It's so annoying!!! Especially he's asking in a freakin cheesy way!! That's what my ex did. That annoyed me so much!

Who, besides you, really cares what you're thinking about?

If we were an item, I wouldn't be bothered. If I wanted you attention, I'd make sure I was being fun and interesting enough to warrant it. And the rest of the time, you'd be free. :smile:

A wise old man told me something once. He said "women will never be happy if you keep asking them what they want. So keep yourself happy first."

Of course, I'd have taken this advice immediately to heart without a shadow of a doubt if this consultation hadn't taken place in a Grotto. If you're little and have a girl best friend, you're likely to ask Santa to make sure she enjoys Christmas too - I just happened to have a witty Santa.
lol my bf only asks when i actually am thinking about something. i swear hes a mind reader really XD

if it annoys you then just make a silly reply
Reply 16
My boyfriend used to do this too. Or he'd say 'what's up' when there was nothing wrong. But then he's keep asking and asking until I snapped and then he'd nod like he was right all along and say, 'see I knew somehting was wrong, what is it?' Arrrgghhhh!
Reply 17
I jsut say I am thinking about babies. That shuts them up really quickly.
Reply 18
I'm fairly certain if this were the other way round, you'd all be saying how nasty the guy is for biting your head off when you asked him what he was thinking. :rolleyes:
Reply 19
I wouldn't. Thoughts are private. That's why they're thoughts and not words!