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A level combinations?


im trying to select the easiest but at the same time i want the more successful combination of subjects. I want a combination of A-levels that fit well/overlap in revisions and i dont like much course work so i prefer subjects with less demanding coursework. I dont want subjects that require loads like 60% coursework.
Reply 1
Firstly are you interested in sciences or humanities?
It is very difficult to say how much coursework there will be for different subjects as they vary between exam boards. However, as a general rule I know that subjects such as drama and product design are coursework based, while others such as history (at my school) only involve one peice of coursework over two years.
Reply 2
i have a friend who is taking a2s in maths, accounts and business studies, and she loves it because she has no written work whatsoever, except in business studies which is generally just answering questions. however those subjects are hard and very number/finance oriented, so definitely have their limitations!

maybe something like sociology would be better? i hear it's easy *hides from the sociology students*

can i just ask, why are you looking for the easiest subjects? of course you don't wanna be sitting in the house all day every day doing work, i understand that because neither do i! :biggrin: but surely you want to do relatively decent ones that will benefit you? and most a levels are difficult anyway..not to sound annoying, but if you aren't willing to put in a bit of work then i don't see the point really.

anyway, don't want to sound rude haha, but if you're looking for a well-rounded, "easy" subject combo, i would advise you to try some sort of diploma-type thing, unfortunately i know nothing about them so i can't tell yu what! if you really want to do a levels though, how about sociology, business/communication studies, travel and tourism and erm... ict?

word of advice on a couple of those though, the marking schemes for business studies are pure hell, and ict involves a lot of easy but tedious writing up on what you have done.
Reply 3
juicebox, I want the relatively easiest interms of difficulty. I believe Physics is relatively easier than Biology (too much to remember) but they are both hard. However I also want the right subjects that would benefit me. I don’t think you sound rude. Its mainly my fault not explaining my status properly enough.

Lucyj, I'm more of a science/computer guy but i also like Humanities.
Reply 4
Well i do Politics History and Psychology

For AS level, Politics and History are the day after each other. Why...i dont know...cos surely everyone who does politics does history too.

For A level, each subject was in a different week.

My politics course has no history. The History course has a course essay, basically a planned exam and the psychology course has simple coursework.
Reply 5
let me just eliminate a few subjects out of this that i dont want to study.

Business Studies
Film Studies

i'm willing to do any A-level combination that does NOT include the following subjects.
Reply 6
You seem to have answered your own question really, if you prefer sciences than go for that. Take something you truly enjoy, of course take into account the amount of coursework there is, but dont base your decision on that alone.
Reply 7
By the way do you have any idea what you want to do/ study later on? Because this could infulence your A level choice?
Reply 8
.. double post.
Reply 9
For the future its going to be Economics, or Physics or Physics with Astronomy.

Thanks for the advice. I really appreciated it. My A-levels are most likely going to be Physics, Maths(maybe +further maths) and Chemistry. I might also do Biology. I don’t need it for the future but it makes a good combination. I have to put up with plant coursework in biology i guess?. *Sigh*
hey, plant coursework beats measuring pebbles! (geo courswork)
Seems like a good selection to me, not many essays or coursework.
I'd agree - go for that combination!
Reply 12
For the future its going to be Economics, or Physics or Physics with Astronomy.

Thanks for the advice. I really appreciated it. My A-levels are most likely going to be Physics, Maths(maybe +further maths) and Chemistry. I might also do Biology. I don’t need it for the future but it makes a good combination. I have to put up with plant coursework in biology i guess?. *Sigh*

trust me, you might not want to do biology if you are committed to further maths.
Maths, further maths, physics and chemistry sounds perfect if you prefer sciences and don't want to do much coursework, although I think you might have to do practical exams instead.
Reply 14
yeah thats fine.
Reply 15
yeah i want to do physics, maths chemistry and art but is it better to do a humanity like geography or psychology instead of two sciences?
Reply 16
yeah i want to do physics, maths chemistry and art but is it better to do a humanity like geography or psychology instead of two sciences?

psychology is also known to be a science by some unis but it is more coursework/essay based so if you want to do a sciency subject then id say psychology but i cant comment on which science to do as im doin biology.
Reply 17
For the future its going to be Economics, or Physics or Physics with Astronomy.

Thanks for the advice. I really appreciated it. My A-levels are most likely going to be Physics, Maths(maybe +further maths) and Chemistry. I might also do Biology. I don’t need it for the future but it makes a good combination. I have to put up with plant coursework in biology i guess?. *Sigh*

I'd say maths, further maths, physics and economics. You don't need chemistry to study physics or astronomy at university and economics would be much more benefitial if you decide to study economics, specially if you want to go to a top university. It will also show breadth of skills. Afterall, Economics is a social science, so you will need some essay writing skills.

Or maybe you could do maths, further maths, physics, chemistry and economics if you're willing to do 5 subjects.

Good luck.
Original post by rapha
I'd say maths, further maths, physics and economics. You don't need chemistry to study physics or astronomy at university and economics would be much more benefitial if you decide to study economics, specially if you want to go to a top university. It will also show breadth of skills. Afterall, Economics is a social science, so you will need some essay writing skills.

Or maybe you could do maths, further maths, physics, chemistry and economics if you're willing to do 5 subjects.

Good luck.

I have Math, Physics, Chemistry and Economics in A levels. I plan to do Engineering, but I took up Economics so that I have a good A level combination, and I heard Universities want Science students to take something different too. Is my combination okay? Or is it not a very good idea?