The Student Room Group
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Thread title is low self esteem*
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I do sometimes feel ungrateful at feeling bad about things in my life; but i wouldn't say everything is so great in my life at the moment.

I think people often look to further themselves all the time due to the nature of society that we live in that they forget to stop and reflect and appreciate the things they have as opposed to that they don't. Something i'm guilty of and probably many others.
hmm self-esteem is a confusing thing, what do you really like about yourself? there must be something
Reply 4
Dress yourself up in nice clothes, make smiling a natural instinct and enjoy the company of others. Do not keep your feelings bottled up and try and think of all of those things that make you far more priveleged than many other people in the world :smile:

I am not sure this helps but I do wish you the best of luck!
Reply 5
i havent kept myself bottled up and yes i smile all the time. I like myself for who i m and i like my body, i like my brain.. lol i mean i find myself pretty confident and smart compared to others.. as a person others find me sweet, helpful and calm. Im not totally classes as "going out" too but i find myself low very often.. and i dont understand y
What you're describing sounds more like depression than low self-esteem, but I could be wrong.
I've had a very similar problem. I got professional help and felt better, dunno still get low sometimes though, but I think you've just gotta think about all the things that you like about yourself and try to enjoy life- you've only got one live it to the max rather than letting the low self esteem hold you back!