The Student Room Group

Measuring The Size Of Your Penis

I keep getting different results when I measure my penis. Sometimes I get 5.1 inches, sometimes I get 5.9 inches, sometimes I get 5.5 inches and sometimes I get 6.2 inches. Does anyone know what affects the size of your erection? Temperature/time of day maybe? I know I'm using the same technique each time (and I'm pretty sure my technique is right too).
1.1 inch variation?
Measure from the base of your chin to the start of your hairline and you should get a consistent answer.


why in gods name would you ask this question in an internet forum?

And why in gods name do you want to know the size of ur penis? are u gonna use it as a chat up line?

"hi ladies... i measured my penis the other day.... guess what.... i didnt know how to do it"

For gods sake, get a life and stop being so god damn sex crazed!
Reply 3
I keep getting different results when I measure my penis. Sometimes I get 5.1 inches, sometimes I get 5.9 inches, sometimes I get 5.5 inches and sometimes I get 6.2 inches. Does anyone know what affects the size of your erection?

Try not looking at Noel Edmunds when you're measuring and it should stay constant.