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Reply 1
I'm really desperate to lose some weight. However, I can't go and work out at the moment, because I'm so bloody busy (work, study, etc). I can't afford weight watchers or similar and am on a tight budget. Any suggestions?
I want to lose weight on my arms, thighs and stomach.

Cut down on the carb (you have no idea how important this is until you actually try it.. carb includes things like rice, bread, etc) and junk stuff especially soft drinks and fried chips, eat more meals but (MUCH) smaller ones, make sure you eat lean meat with all the fat removed, etc. Let breakfast be your heaviest meal, for which I recommend low-fat yoghurt with apple/banana/grapes (rotate on a daily basis). Don't sleep right after a meal - try to leave at least 4h between dinner and the time you head to bed. Walk where you can instead of taking the bus.
try bowl of cornflakes for breaky skimmed milk, salad (no dressing) with chicken, beetroot, cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes, pepper, onion etc (no potatoes), then sum crackers for tea with jam on. Snack on fruit it is really cheap to do especially apples, necatrines are in season and reeally cheap, and bannanas.
You might find some of the 'weight' is actually loose muscle... so try doing sit ups and stuff while your revising?

And drink plenty of water - amazingly the more you drink, the more you loose... and its been scientifically proven somewhere that when you're hungry, you're actually usually thirsty!!! :biggrin:
Reply 4
Cut down on the carb (you have no idea how important this is until you actually try it.. carb includes things like rice, bread, etc) and junk stuff especially soft drinks and fried chips, eat more meals but (MUCH) smaller ones, make sure you eat lean meat with all the fat removed, etc. Let breakfast be your heaviest meal, for which I recommend low-fat yoghurt with apple/banana/grapes (rotate on a daily basis). Don't sleep right after a meal - try to leave at least 4h between dinner and the time you head to bed. Walk where you can instead of taking the bus.

Alternatively, don't do this - it's unhealthy.
Try cutting down on saccharide carbohydrates such as those found in milk and most "carby" foods (even some breads). Instead eat more starch in the form of potatoes some pasta or some breads. Cut down on the amount you eat and try to run everywhere. Apples etc. are full of sugars so these might be avoided if you want to lose weight, but they are very important for their vitamin C content, lack of fats, and cellulose which will act as 'roughage' to clear out your digestive system.
Hope I've helped.
1. do not eat much in the evenings
2. fill up on vegetables- they are your friends :smile:
3. drink loooads of water. drinking it cold burns calories especially, and it fills you up, and it detoxifies the system
4. do exercise. but walking is best for weight loss and fat burning, running/weights/swimming is good for toning. The numbers on the scale might go up but you will lose fat and be smaller and toneder.
5. have really small amounts of things you enjoy, so you dont get cravings
6. counting calories is easiest, because you can technically eat whatever you want within your calorie limit.
7. if you exercise before eating, you are supposed to burn the food off quicker
8. plan in advance so you can stick to it
^^ cutting out carbs does work, especially to begin with because you lose loads of water, but partly because ur cutting out calories
Reply 7
I cut my calories and have a daily limit of 1200. I started on Saturday and have lost 3 pounds. I have a weekly plan stuck on my fridge with meals, their calories, snacks and their calories. My snacks consist of fruit, low fat mousse and cereal bars (85 cals). The first 2 or so days I needed to eat all of my snacks because I was constantly feeling hungry then these past 3 days I havent really felt hungry enough to eat any of them, which is surprising as I used to eat about 3600 calories a day. 300 calories a day are set for snacks, the fruit etc and I am not eating them all so its another 200 cals off my day.
Reply 8
Eating less is important, particularly if you know you have a weakness for unhealthy foods (for me it's crisps) but if there's something like that, that you eat quite a lot, just try to cut down on that, and munch on some fruit you like instead.

Drink more water, eat earlier instead of later, and also - if you're busy and don't normally do much exercise, it could benefit you to just go out jogging/running every so often? It doesn't have to be for long, just 15-30 mins would be great, whenever you need a break or something. I've never been very physical, and found that it does make such a difference, even if it's just 15 mins a couple of times a week!
Reply 9
Don't eat as much.
Reply 10
The thing is ... I don't each much at all :frown:
Reply 11
Well you must be eating the wrong food then. Exercise more, eat HEALTHILY, don't starve yourself and don't eat too much. Simple.
Reply 12
In a typical day what do you eat?
Reply 13
If you don't eat much then you wouldnt be overweight.... Fat doesnt just come from anywhere, you sort of have to put it in.

When i worked at satansburys it opens your eyes to why 95% of people are overweight. They buy loads of unhealthy stuff, chocolate, crisps, cake, fizzy drink... and a cabbage. Course, that makes it ok :rolleyes:
Reply 14
If you don't eat much then you wouldnt be overweight.... Fat doesnt just come from anywhere, you sort of have to put it in.

When i worked at satansburys it opens your eyes to why 95% of people are overweight. They buy loads of unhealthy stuff, chocolate, crisps, cake, fizzy drink... and a cabbage. Course, that makes it ok :rolleyes:

Even better is when you see people buying all that and then buying DIET Coke - it's hardly going to make a difference whether it's diet or not when they're eating that much crap.
Reply 15
I eat peanuts when it comes to snacking, so try that rather than crisps.( But make sure they don't have salt!:smile:)
Lol, thats like getting a BigMac and a diet coke.

Cut up some small pieces of fruit and vegetables and eat those when your hungry...but not too much.
There is actually a 13-minute diet where you eat a fingernail piece of say cucumber every 13 minutes.
Try to cut out meats from your diet. Animal fat vs. vegetable fat is a clear defeat for the first one.
I think eating regularly is a good idea like miss_giggles suggested. Try to eat every 3 hours, although if you are not hungry just eat a small piece of fruit. Make sure that you eat plenty of protein because this really helps to fill you up.
Reply 19
When i worked at satansburys it opens your eyes to why 95% of people are overweight.

You are about the ten millionth person to say working at sainsburys is hell. one of my best friends works there, why is it so bad?!

My tip for you would be to eat regularly, about every 3-4 hours, cut down on the amount of stuff you eat and if you are craving something, give in and have a small amount otherwise you'll just eat something huge! Do not under any circumstances eat the following unless you feel you might die from not having them and then only have a bit: all fizzy drinks except fizzy water, all types of crisps (huuuge amounts of fat), fried food and ready meals. Also eat your veggies, they are good for you! Try and drink loads of water too, even though it is a complete pain in the arse it helps! You should also try and do some exercise each day be it walking for 1/2 an hour, doing sit-ups/lunges etc