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Weak wrists

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lol, i cant afford mine yet..

oh, well stuff ya then:smile: i'll go and be a slave for someone else!
Reply 41
this might be good?
Reply 42
They look interesting.. could have fun keeping it away form my brother. I'll see if anoyone i know has one, or seomthing like it, could help.
afire_insideme, cheers, i'll try them, i understand what you mean, just one question, how far round should your wrists be able to turn, may sound stupid, but ive loose joint, and cant tell whas normal, so over twist things wihtout meaning to.

good question, i guess it doesnt matter as long as your pushing against the resistance. ummm i wouldn't go crazy rotating, possibly as little as possible. just try and see what works and what hurts.
also i'd recommend taking it easy at first because these can hurt a wee bit if over done. just be careful!
good question, i guess it doesnt matter as long as your pushing against the resistance. ummm i wouldn't go crazy rotating, possibly as little as possible. just try and see what works and what hurts.
also i'd recommend taking it easy at first because these can hurt a wee bit if over done. just be careful!

is it too far if they crack?
Don't use the computer for too long. Typing for hours on end will give you RSI, and decrease your wrist strength further.
I found this out the hard way!
Don't use the computer for too long. Typing for hours on end will give you RSI, and decrease your wrist strength further.
I found this out the hard way!

really? how come, i find it relaxes my hands- sort of an aerobic workout for my fingers! :smile:
unfinished sympathy
really? how come, i find it relaxes my hands- sort of an aerobic workout for my fingers! :smile:

Well, really excessive use can give you RSI (repetitive strain injury) People who work on computers all day often get it. I don't really understand the science of it, you would think that it would help build up the muscles!
Apparently weather men get it too, all that waving their arms up and down.
unfinished sympathy
is it too far if they crack?

oh god i'm going to be responsible for a whole load of people breaking their wrists! haha ummm depends if they crack usualy? i wouldn't have thought so.
Reply 49
If you're thinking of using one of those powerballs then definatly get one, probably the best way of training your wrist down to sheer competition. The thing itself makes your wrist work like crazy.

Get the powerball with the screen to tell you how fast the balls rotating, then if any of you friends notice it you immediatly get competition breaking out to see who can get it to go fastest. It's the best wrist strength developer I've ever used.
oh god i'm going to be responsible for a whole load of people breaking their wrists! haha ummm depends if they crack usualy? i wouldn't have thought so.

don't worry, they do usually :smile: