I've seen the Welbeck website as it was one of the links on the RAF website, but since I start 6th form in September, isnt it too late now? I would have thought applying only a few months before it I'd be due to start 6th form would be a little too short notice..
To be honest I like the school I'm at, I've been studying there for 5 years already and so know the teachers, the pupils etc.
Hmm, sports since I was 12, I've been a member of a football team and swimming club. As for responsibility, for my next diving qualification I'll learn to be an "Assistant Dive Marshal" which basically means providing surface cover for the diver's, standing by with an O2 Kit when trainees are in the water incase of accidents, and filling in a form detailing dive buddy pairs, amount of air going in, amount of air coming out, dive time, max depth etc. I'm guessing this would count as a position of responsibility..
Any other help appreciated..