I had mine out when i was almost 20, My throat hurt for about 2 days after.
I could'nt open my mouth wide enough to clean my teeth for 6 hours after i was taken back onto the ward. Although i had tea that evening, avoid soup though have dry stuff cos it doesnt stick to your throat, sandwichs are chocolate mouse were ok. I had toast the following morning, trust me its such a relief makes your throat feels much better, just dont eat it too fast, little well chewed bites at a time.
I only had an IV in my hand, i only had my anestic in it, and prefered oral pain relief. I sounded like i was going to cry everytime i spoke for about a week afterwards, but i found swolling more painful than talking. The tablets i was on were great and eventually its just sore and you can cope without them, its just like having a slight cold.