The Student Room Group
Reply 1
well, in your introduction, make sure you define what you will interpret 'transform' to mean throughout your essay. are you going to look at it in terms of economic transformation, or maybe socially, politcally, agriculturally etc.

Remember how important it is to mention each of the rulers over the 100 year period. Choose the one or two most important/significant transformations that occurred over each of these 'reigns' and compare them in terms of relative importance/signifcance. Who benefitted or lost out in these transformations? Were the changes sustained? Stalin's collectivisation and 5 year plans, Alexander's Great Reforms, Nicholas' Manifesto maybe. For Kruschev, there's the deStalinisation and maybe the Virgin Lands scheme. I would agree with the statement in the end on a very simple level, because Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik party that affected Revolution (if you believe that) and that was, however arguably, the biggest transformation that happened over the period.

That's very vague, but I hope it helped :smile:
Reply 2
I would have thought Witte under Nicholas did the most to transform Russia. he started Russias industrialisation, which i would have thought had the biggest impact on Russia throughout that period. Although you could argue a hundred different viewpoints.
Reply 3
yes, but the title says the ruler who did the most to transform, not the individuals.
Reply 4
Thank You So Much Everyone!!!

This Question Took Me Forever To Understand

And Now I Finally Get It... Just In Time Yay!

Reply 5
God I hope this Synoptic paper goes okay tomorrow....I'm dreading it...