The Student Room Group

Being absent minded; can I handle the real world?

So, I just started volunteering in local radio journalism. I've been out of the 'real world' a while, and the guy in there just seemed so on top of everything and together, knew what was what and what to say about anything. I felt like that after visiting my uni doctor too. I'm a very intelligent person, but I'm absent minded and sometimes people's social confidence and togetherness scares me. I wonder if I'll be able to handle the real world and function upto myfull potential and fulfil my potential. Seems so tough sometimes. I hope I have more to offer than I feel I do, and that I come across better than I feel I do. Any advice?
Reply 1
It's weird, cos around certian people I'm confident and feel I have stuff to offer,a round others I feel like a half-wit socially.
Being absent minded can be quitefunny if you're prepared to laugh at yourself. Despite being (not intentionally arrogant) quite good academically... i will often just leave things lying about...totally forget about things and the ilk. Don't change it...its almost an endearing quality. One gf i went out with would randomly call me to remind me i was going to be seeing her the next day or whatever (Was always really funny) and ended up in long slushy chats...oh u no the score
I was classified as the "forgetful professor" type when I was the ripe old age of 5 and three weeks in a row left my jumper at a youth club (woodcraft) that I was going to at the time. I am pretty similar to the OP in a lot of regards, but I've managed to keep hold of a couple of jobs for quite a while, and I've never been fired. I always get bored of them and quit ^_^

I think you'll probably be fine... but I have to think that, because if you won't, then I probably won't either :P