The Student Room Group

Number of partners...


Right, I'll try to keep this short. I've been speaking to a girl on MySpace and MSN for a while, and we've been texting each other too. We've become quite close and are gonna meet up soon, we only live about 20 mins away..we both like each other, so no prizes for guessing where its gonna end up if you know what I'm saying...

..anyway, we were speaking on MSN the other night and she asked me how many people I'd slept with. I told her, only one, and she told me hers...she's slept with 14 guys...I don't know what to think really, I mean she's really cool but I'm just a bit worried lol..I hope this makes sense!

Do you think it matters?

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Reply 1
Why are you worried?

Whats past is past.
Reply 2
Depends how old she is, if shes mid 20's i think thats ok. Does seem alot though doesnt it.
Reply 3
Unless he's worried that she's going to be much more experienced and a better performer than he is, in which case, just relax, stressing won't make anything any better.
14? jesus christ. i think that shows that she doesnt know how to keep a relationship (if she went out with all these 14 guys). if she didnt, then wouldnt it be safe to assume that shes a slut, and likes to sleep around? i mean what other explanation if there?
Reply 5
Why is a girl who sleeps around a slut in your eyes? It's deemed perfectly ok for guys to do it. We don't even know how old she is, or what her life experiences are.

I think it's awful that someone can just label someone else like that. Everyone has a right to make their own choices in life.
Reply 6
Just take it slowly and get to know the person. i would say spend 3 months with them getting to know them before you do anything.
Reply 7
I understand you are a bit worried. Maybe talk to her about it, not by saying your a slag but by asking if she thinks its an issue that you have slept with one person?

Depends what you want her for. If your not looking for a realtionship with her im sure she will be great in the bedroom. Ive slept with somebody who has had lots more parners than me, just be confident and they will expect to have to take control a bit. as long as your not a nervous reck than it will be great.

Whatever you choose just enjoy yourself

Hope this helps

Why is a girl who sleeps around a slut in your eyes? It's deemed perfectly ok for guys to do it. We don't even know how old she is, or what her life experiences are.

I think it's awful that someone can just label someone else like that. Everyone has a right to make their own choices in life.

Well said, it's really great to hear someone sticking up for females here. I dont think you can define a girl a slut by the number of guys she's slept with unless she's caused harm or spread diseases or whatever! for all we know, this girlc cld have had 14 relationships (altho i doubt it but anyway) and she may have cared for the majority of them. And whats wrong with a few one night stands here and there? if you're not causing any harm, then whats the problem?
Reply 9
she told me she went through a bad patch which is why its so high (hehe I guess some would call it a good patch) I didn't ask why though..

Yeah maybe I'm worried I wont measure up to all the, bad choice of words haha! I'm not sure its just that though, I just don't want to be a notch on the bedpost cos I like her more than that.

I'm 20 btw, she's 19.
You're worried that shes slept around a bit, but you're about to go and meet her for the first time in real life for sex?
Why is a girl who sleeps around a slut in your eyes? It's deemed perfectly ok for guys to do it. We don't even know how old she is, or what her life experiences are.

I think it's awful that someone can just label someone else like that. Everyone has a right to make their own choices in life.

no it isnt..

its probably the group a person hangs around with. since when is it ok for a guy to sleep around heaps of times? all my friends who are girls and are classy, would never go for a guy whos slept with that many girls. it goes both ways. but i guess it just comes down to poeples values and beliefs.

people in the western world think of sex as a pasttime these days, like you for example. btw to sleep with 14 guys, maybe her past life experience was a prostitute? i have no respect for women like that.
Reply 12
You're worried that shes slept around a bit, but you're about to go and meet her for the first time in real life for sex?
Well, that's not the only reason i'm going round! (but it's more than likely gonna happen)
Reply 13
fair play, i would just go for it.

have a wicked time and see what happens if you end up having sex with your new e-buddy you can have a laugh with your mates.

If it goes wrong make a joke out of it. You have nothing to loose your young single (i guess) and looking for some fun so have some.
Reply 14
fair play, i would just go for it.

have a wicked time and see what happens if you end up having sex with your new e-buddy you can have a laugh with your mates.

If it goes wrong make a joke out of it. You have nothing to loose your young single (i guess) and looking for some fun so have some.
Nice one mate, I guess you're right, what's the worst that can happen?
Sounds like you just needed reassurance that it's ok to sleep with her. Hell yeah, you're young, have some fun
Reply 16
She gets pregnant and then you have to support a child.

No really as long as you are sensible nothing bad can come from it :smile:

Have a nice time and give her one from everyone and me on the TSR
Reply 17
Nice one mate, I guess you're right, what's the worst that can happen?

You could get her pregnant then die of AIDS.
Reply 18
I totally agree with Blackhawk way up there. There are a lot of ways you can judge a person to see if they are your 'type' but number of people they have slept with simply isn't one of them. I'm not advocating sleeping around, just saying that it is someone's own decision what they do with their body and, as long as they are being safe and not hurting anyone, they are not to be criticised.
Im sorry but you cant get to know someone in person by having sex on the first day!