The Student Room Group
Maybe it is the same as a Rah. I'm not sure :confused:
Reply 2
What exactly is a Yah, and why is it that everybody hates them? I had never heard the term before viewing this board, and curiosity's got the best of me.

(copy and pasteed from urbandictionary :biggrin: )

An arrogant upper/upper-middle class lady or gent, typically a student in an otherwise charming Scottish town or city.
Girls = flowing 'blonde' hair, pink pashmina, ironically kitsch little bag, astounding ignorance, charming high-pitched giggle.
Guys = floppy birds' nest-esque hair, woollen jumpers, suspiciously tanned, exceptionally loud and annoying voice which will usually be spouting some kind of patronising ex-public-schoolboy wit.

Possibly originating from their judicious use of 'yah, darling, yah' in general conversation.

Kill the yahs!

What is one those?
Reply 4
What is one those?

fabric from tibetian's animals i think, but i think they refer it to scarfs made from these animals -i think pashimas uite fashionable isnit ?
Reply 5
What is one those?

Kinda like a posh scarf.
Reply 6
so upper-middleclass trendy kids?
Reply 7
Reply 8
why does everybody hate them so? becuase of how cool they are ?hehehe....
Reply 9
why does everybody hate them so? becuase of how cool they are ?hehehe....

yea :wink:
Reply 10
they are just jealous...
Reply 11
sorry to prolong this but...

do yahs see themselves as yahs? is it a term they would use to describe themselves? Goths might label themselves as goths, etc. etc.
Reply 12
sorry to prolong this but...

do yahs see themselves as yahs? is it a term they would use to describe themselves? Goths might label themselves as goths, etc. etc.

no they dont
i believe i am in a position to explain this. In scotland we call rahs yahs, it supposedly comes from the way they say yah instead of yes. A yah is nothing more than a common rah, but in scotland. You get alot of them at Edinburgh Uni and St Andrews.
Reply 14
i understand how the term "yah" came about but where did the term "rah" come from?
i understand how the term "yah" came about but where did the term "rah" come from?

Rich Arse Hole
Reply 16
Rich Arse Hole

check this out - makes me laugh :biggrin: