Well last monday I had a migraine, and basically spent the night throwing up and with that intense pain that you usually get with a migraine in your head. I spent tuesday recovering and come wednesday morning I felt okay. But then the afternoon kicked in and I got a headache. I also started to feel dizzy and a bit slow...but not that dizzy, pretty hard to explain actually. I took a few paracetomal but I'm still in the same boat 8 days later. I also see a white spec of light every now and then when I'm looking at bright colours on the right side of my vision. It is like a minor version of how your sight screws up in aura with a migraine.
Anyone ever had this? I'm going to go to the doctor tomorrow but I hardly see some magic answers being given by him so just looking for past experiences involved with a lengthy headache from any people here. Sometimes it goes away when I'm sitting down then it comes back randomly. It isn't a bad headache, more of a dull ache. Another thing is I am so tired constantly, even though I'm sleeping around 10 hours a night. I just finished exams too so I don't see it being the stress somehow.
I read about how you can get chronic tension headaches from a migraine, that never go away. I really hope that isn't true here..