The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Reply 2
Could be an anal fissure, which is a tear in the lining, or possibly haemorrhoids, which are similar problems with lining..go to the chemist and ask for Anusol, u can get pessaries (tablets that u put up there and they dissolve) or cream. if that doesnt clear it up within about a week, i would definately go to the doctors, embarassing though it may be. wikipedia or google: anal fissure and haemorrhoids or just anal problem, loadsa stuff will come up and have symtom lists that you can compare yours too. hope it gets sorted out.
Reply 3
hello all. I have bit of a problem. I am passing blood in my faeces. What is happening. It has been happening for a bit of time now. I was in a fight and got punched & kicked in that area. (broke the b****ds nose though). Should I see someone or will it go away.

Im not sure but it might just be a cut, however there is a fair amount now.



yeh go see the doctors straight away they might send you of to the hospital to have a CT scan..anyway no worries you broke the ***koors nose so its all good, ut go doctors quick
Reply 4
No go to the doctor asap, he/she can decide what to give you for it.
Reply 5
Owch. Go and see a doctor, quicksmart.
Reply 6
Go to the doctors, worst case sencario could be a symptom of internal bleeding.