The Student Room Group
i can click my jaw, its really annoying and sometimes painful. It sometimes feels like im going to dislocate my jaw when i chew.
Reply 2
I fractured mine when I was 7 by running into a metal pole :rolleyes:

Now i can click the left side. Great noise.

When it was really bad, it would dislocate itself at night in my sleep, had to push it back in place in the morning.. that was annoying and painful.
Reply 3
I have that, one day I opened my mouth to take a bite from a pork chop and my jaw kind of just locked, it was quite painful closing it. It "fixed itself" after around 3 weeks, I can now open my mouth fully.
my mum has that. she has to 'click' her jaw every morning, apparantly her jaw feels 'out of place' if she doesnt.
my jaw sometimes clicks when i'm eating, then stops again after a while... it really squicks me out! but it doesn't happen very often... its really kinda random! :biggrin:
i keep getting this recently! its so annyoying because it clicks at the most random times!
Reply 8
Mine clicks every day on the right side when I eat, and is out of place every morning when I wake up. It's called TMJ disorder.
Ahhh fellow clickies! I have it as well and its soo quite annoying. Though mine doesnt make a noise as such, i just feel it shift. One day i just got had had enough and "shifted" (its the best way i can describe it) it really far to the left and now its kinda stopped. I wouldnt advise doing that though, it was a bit sketchy....
Reply 10
i got it to :biggrin: go dentist and get a night guard thing its abit like a gumshield and it actualy helps dunno how :confused: i've barely clicked in a week and it used to be very bad :smile:
Wooo! More people with the same clicky jaw thing.. It's always the right side of my jaw and is the worst when I eat things like bagels hehe! How random.
Lets just consider a gift and shun non-clickies :wink:
Reply 13
Liquid Skin
Lets just consider a gift and shun non-clickies :wink:

Reply 14
some people manage to get the jaw stuck open and have to go to the dentist with their mouths gaping open to get it released....don't try and click it - or you might end like that!! :biggrin: