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Reply 1
maybe people become porn stars cos its easy money and they get to do something they enjoy?
i dunno
i guess its harmless as long as everyone whos taking part in it has nothing against whats happening to them
Reply 2
Interesting that you say amoral. Of course, you may not be making any kind of intelligent point and not know the difference between amoral and immoral.

But I'll presume you were being specific.

I don't think it's amoral, I think that the whole point behind certain types of porn is that it depicts something immoral. Of course, I don't find the making of pornography in any way wrong, since it all involves consenting adults. But it is often used to portray things that are clearly immoral, eg. rape. Obviously, a consenting actor pretending to rape what is actually a consenting actress is fine, but the act they are portraying is not fine.

So no, (legally made) pornography is in no way immoral as consenting adults can do whatever they like. Sometimes porn contains storylines (if you can call them that, lol) which are clearly immoral. Some is amoral I suppose, if nothing harmful or allegedly harmful is happening and nobody cares about anything!

But that's the point. People do know the difference between art and reality, so there's no more problem in depicting something like rape than depicting murder etc. in a film. If you were going to say that porn itself was immoral you'd have to say it about 'Saw' and 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' etc. as well.
Reply 3
Zoecb and aced,
how would you definite amoral?
Reply 4
Amoral - without morals.

Immoral means having them but going against them.

Not a complicated difference.
Reply 5
As long as everyone in the porn's consenting (and of a ‘reasonable’ age) I have no problems with it.
I have nothing against it when it comes to others. I personally find it disgusting and repugnant, but I am hardly going to mandate my morality to others.
Reply 7
Zoecb and aced,
how would you definite amoral?

Yes, I was being specific when I said amoral.

I would define (I assume you don't mean "definite") an amoral action as something that has no sense of good or bad, ie, morals aren't an issue. I use it in this context because I feel that porn may be something that is destroying our morals. Before mainstream porn, the female body was considered a thing of beauty, and I think that mainstream porn has destroyed this image and completely exploited it. It is no longer good or bad to see porn everywhere; it is the norm. Hence why it is amoral in my opinion.

It is also immoral (yes, I know the difference :smile:) in my opinion for obvious reasons. Women are exploited.

On the otherhand, as said, it may be something that women enjoy doing. I get the impression that it isn't, but this is the impression that porn companies want to give, because women being abused is more hardcore, therefore there is more money to be made. this is why it is immoral.
Before mainstream porn, the female body was considered a thing of beauty, and I think that mainstream porn has destroyed this image and completely exploited it. It is no longer good or bad to see porn everywhere; it is the norm. Hence why it is amoral in my opinion.

I totally agree with what you're saying here. As a woman I feel offended by this, but so many people are ignorant to the massive influence porn has on society. I think this article sums up my opinion pretty well:

EDIT: and I'm sure there are many men who feel the same, in fact my borfriend doesn't like porn either for similar reasons. Or more beacuse he just doesn't think it's 'sexy' in the slightest!
Reply 9
porn stars should not be stigmatised. full stop
Reply 10
It bugs me when women say "oohh porn degrades women" - no it does not. Legal porn, anyway, does not degrade. It's their choice to take part! And what about the men? Why does it degrade women more?
I totally agree with what you're saying here. As a woman I feel offended by this, but so many people are ignorant to the massive influence porn has on society. I think this article sums up my opinion pretty well:

Given the link, presumably you're against Cooking programmes too, as they turn people off any food that isn't a Cordon Bleu masterpiece?
I have nothing against it when it comes to others. I personally find it disgusting and repugnant, but I am hardly going to mandate my morality to others.

I'm not sure it's really a "moral" belief on your part then, is it? If you don't like it yourself, but you're happy for others to enjoy/take part in it, then I imagine it's more of a preference than a moral belief.
Reply 13
And what about the men?

From what I've heard in interviews with porn stars like Ron Jeremy male porn stars actually have it worse. They get paid less, get less attention and (except in gay porn naturally) are pretty much secondary to the female porn star who is meant to be the centre of attention. He says the superstars like Jenna Jameson can choose to say...only have sex with male porn stars that she chooses and no one else, male porn stars don't have that much of a choice.

And I personally don't think it degrades women, as RR said they choose to do it and if you start looking down on women because of what you've seen in the porn world then that isn't the fault of porn, it's the persons fault for being an idiot.

Concerning the link, I don't what Naomi Wolf is on about:
The onslaught of porn is responsible for deadening male libido in relation to real women, and leading men to see fewer and fewer women as “porn-worthy.”
I know a fair few guys and not one of them has a strong taste for dyed blonde, giant boobed stick-thin girls, I know far more guys who would rather go after normal looking girls.
Being naked is not enough; you have to be buff, be tan with no tan lines, have the surgically hoisted breasts and the Brazilian bikini wax—just like porn stars

I actually think that whole article is pretty offensive to men.
Reply 14
I don't think that pornography is amoral as there are clearly moral concepts involved when discussing it and people all seem to have a moral value which relates to it.
Whether it is immoral obviously depends on the morals of the individual. I don't believe it to be immoral as I don't believe legal sex in any form to be immoral.
If it involves consenting adults then I don’t think it is. If they want money and fame doing that :dontknow: then I guess that’s their choice.
Reply 16
I use it in this context because I feel that porn may be something that is destroying our morals. Before mainstream porn, the female body was considered a thing of beauty, and I think that mainstream porn has destroyed this image and completely exploited it.

I totally disagree. If people didn't consider the female body a thing of beauty they wouldn't pay money to ogle at it all day.

It is also immoral (yes, I know the difference :smile:) in my opinion for obvious reasons. Women are exploited.

Rubbish. They don't do it against their will. That's like saying that professional chess players are being exploited for their intelligence or athletes for their speed. And by the way, there are just as big a market for pornography whre women are dominant and men are submissive. Not to mention a certain Nine Inch Nails music video.

On the otherhand, as said, it may be something that women enjoy doing. I get the impression that it isn't

From who? Got many porn star friends?

People's fantasies (which is what porn is. The 'hardcore' niche is a lot more watched than it is practised, I get the impression) are often that when something feels forbidden and seems morally wrong, it is arousing because of the sense of danger etc. Regular people who watch these things do know the difference between thoughts and actions and there is nothing physically immoral about thinking of immoral things. I could idly think about what it would be like to blow up a building one day, but this doesn't make me a terrorist, does it?
The argument that porn degrades the idea of the female body being beautiful doesn't wash with me. Not only do I agree with Zoecb's point that if it weren't attractive heterosexual men wouldn't want to watch porn, but I think the fact that the female body is no longer a taboo thing (well, in some ways it still is) is a positive factor - would we really be better off if women were forced to cover up completely and never allowed to be seen with litte or no clothes by anyone but their husbands?

The point about women being exploited is rubbish too, again for the reasons Zoecb has stated. Allowing someone to use what attributes they have is not exploitation. There's no reason porn stars couldn't have different careers, but they've chosen not to. And arguing that they don't enjoy it is meaningless as well - it's a job, and a lot of people don't enjoy their jobs, but that doesn't make it immoral.
Reply 18
Yes, I was being specific when I said amoral.

I would define (I assume you don't mean "definite") an amoral action as something that has no sense of good or bad, ie, morals aren't an issue. I use it in this context because I feel that porn may be something that is destroying our morals. Before mainstream porn, the female body was considered a thing of beauty, and I think that mainstream porn has destroyed this image and completely exploited it. It is no longer good or bad to see porn everywhere; it is the norm. Hence why it is amoral in my opinion.

It is also immoral (yes, I know the difference ) in my opinion for obvious reasons. Women are exploited.

On the otherhand, as said, it may be something that women enjoy doing. I get the impression that it isn't, but this is the impression that porn companies want to give, because women being abused is more hardcore, therefore there is more money to be made. this is why it is immoral.

I think it is not immoral at all...And I am going to explain why, by saying that it is amoral...I strongly believe that the thought that pornography ,whether it is a man or a woman, it is a way of expressing and another form of art, cancels the evolve, and makes us again homo erectus. This is why, the nude and the sex , not love, is a pure animal act and perception of things guided only by the enstict of reproduction and for the need to survive...The promotion of pornography , in my opinion, is a declare of the adverse evolve of human this century, from Einstein and Kavafis to Jena Jameson and Paris Hilton..I am very sad to say this, but we have never stopped from being animals....

PS Very sorry for my english
Reply 19
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