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Kissing (for dummies) Crash Course

Here's the thing.. I've been out with this girl for almost two weeks.. We haven't KISS (you know what I mean) yet because apperantly she's my... urmm.. urmm.. **embarrassed** my first girlfreind. :redface: Now I think she's been giving me hints to kiss and I strongly feel that our next date tomorrow is THE right moment. I want to do it correctly superb and I don't to be a mediocre kisser. I really need help here and ASAP! Thanks.. Please again.. Thanks! :wink:

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Reply 1
It's not hard...just don't overdo it, take it slowly.
Reply 2
go with the flow....its not like anyone can really give you a step by step guide on how to kiss.

why dont you tell her that shes your first g/f and that you havnt kissed anyone before and see what she says.
maybe she can kinda take the lead and you could go with it
Reply 3
Just be natural do what you feel is nice:p:
britney spears says " just put ur lips together, and blow".
Reply 5
Are you guys sure? I've seen how they do it on movies and it looks more complicated than what you guys have said. It's not that I'm not thankful for your advices but I just scared that I blew it up. What happens when tounge comes into play? How bout breathing?

I could tell her that she's my first but there's only one problem sheen. I sort of unintentionally lied to her bout it. :P
Reply 6
britney spears says " just put ur lips together, and blow".

blow?? are you sure she was talking about kissing 0_o
high priestess fnord
blow?? are you sure she was talking about kissing 0_o

Hehe :p: its from the song "Breathe on Me" I think..... why do I know that?! :redface: :biggrin:
Reply 9
hahahaha.. doubt it! :wink:
Start off with a normal kiss and then loosen it up more, but not sloppily. You'll get it, everyone is nervous about their first time. And what they do in the movies is usually rather exaggerated, can I say?
Anonymous #2
britney spears says " just put ur lips together, and blow".
No luvvie - the man-eater character who said that to Humphrey Bogart's character in a film they were working on together was Lauren Bacall. The scene with that quote had nothing to do with kissing. :rolleyes: Anyhow, she was a 19-year-old budding actress and he was an established moviestar in his forties; promptly after filming he asked her to marry him!


Anonymous #1
Here's the thing.. I've been out with this girl for almost two weeks.. We haven't KISS (you know what I mean) yet because apperantly she's my... urmm.. urmm.. **embarrassed** my first girlfreind. :redface: Now I think she's been giving me hints to kiss and I strongly feel that our next date tomorrow is THE right moment. I want to do it correctly superb and I don't to be a mediocre kisser. I really need help here and ASAP! Thanks.. Please again.. Thanks! :wink:
Original Poster: All you have to do to create an electrifying kiss is initiate it - honestly, it's no big! Build the tension lots and lots - lots of non-sexual touching and massaging, then apparent indifference - 2 steps forward, 1 step back. Play with her hair, give a little nip with your lips on the tip of her nose and just barely brush lips. Then move your head back a little, smile(!) and move in slightly so your lips are barely touching again and let her kiss you. She will.
Reply 12
high priestess fnord
blow?? are you sure she was talking about kissing 0_o

breathe through you're nose
Reply 14
besides, if your girlfriend is embarassed about it, perhaps it means she hasn't got a lot of experience either. -might make you feel more confident-
Slip your arms around her waist, kiss her gently like you would on her cheek, then move your lips aways slightly and open them just a bit, brushing her top lip, and taking her bottem lip between yours, move your hands up her back into her hair, and stroke her hair increase the pressure and do that little mtwoa thing. Obviously without actually making the noise. There are other techniques, but thats the easiest.
Reply 16
ahh bless
just be natural but whatever you do do not get over zelaous and try to eat her and slober all over her it is not nice believe me
Reply 17
It'll come naturally, but whatever you do take it slowly. I had a kiss at New Year's that was like kissing a sink plunger and I actually went to wash my face afterwards! Not a nice experience, trust me...
Reply 18
go with the flow....its not like anyone can really give you a step by step guide on how to kiss.

Ron Stoppable
All you have to do to create an electrifying kiss is initiate it - honestly, it's no big! Build the tension lots and lots - lots of non-sexual touching and massaging, then apparent indifference - 2 steps forward, 1 step back. Play with her hair, give a little nip with your lips on the tip of her nose and just barely brush lips. Then move your head back a little, smile(!) and move in slightly so your lips are barely touching again and let her kiss you. She will.

You stand, corrected.

On a more serious note: actual kissing is intuitive, an art. As such it is typically easier to determine what not to do, than what to do: what abstract principles and parameters should regulate the act such that, however banal or mediocre it may at first seem, it at no point admits actual displeasure; at no point transgresses into the realm of tactile battery. The general philosophy dictates not that one should excel at the first hurdle (although you well might), but instead establish a firm foundation to ensure staying the course until such time as when both parties are sufficiently versed in one another's idiosyncrasies to know which buttons to press, and which to let alone (biting, for instance). You'll notice that Ron delineates only the precursor to the kiss, not the prospected oral congress itself: to do otherwise would require second-guessing your partner; which, in the quintessential - reciprocal - 'moment of passion', can only realistically be accomplished ad hoc, on the fly, intuitively.

Kissing is rather akin to playing tennis: anyone can tell you the fundamental rules of the game, and even go so far as to apprise you of a tried-and-tested 'conceptual arsenal' (heck, even French-kissing was avant-garde once); but it is the precise manner in which you adapt and apply those perennial 'tools of the trade' to the exigencies of the situation at-hand which will distinguish you in the eyes of your partner.

Not that I can really empathise, mind: my initial gut-instinct was, apparently, quite reliable.
You stand, corrected.

On a more serious note: actual kissing is intuitive, an art. As such it is typically easier to determine what not to do, than what to do: what abstract principles and parameters should regulate the act such that, however banal or mediocre it may at first seem, it at no point admits actual displeasure; at no point transgresses into the realm of tactile battery. The general philosophy dictates not that one should excel at the first hurdle (although you well might), but instead establish a firm foundation to ensure staying the course until such time as when both parties are sufficiently versed in one another's idiosyncrasies to know which buttons to press, and which to let alone (biting, for instance). You'll notice that Ron delineates only the precursor to the kiss, not the prospected oral congress itself: to do otherwise would require second-guessing your partner; which, in the quintessential - reciprocal - 'moment of passion', can only realistically be accomplished ad hoc, on the fly, intuitively.

Kissing is rather akin to playing tennis: anyone can tell you the fundamental rules of the game, and even go so far as to apprise you of a tried-and-tested 'conceptual arsenal' (heck, even French-kissing was avant-garde once); but it is the precise manner in which you adapt and apply those perennial 'tools of the trade' to the exigencies of the situation at-hand which will distinguish you in the eyes of your partner.

Not that I can really empathise, mind: my initial gut-instinct was, apparently, quite reliable.

Wow. How do you follow that? :p: