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Reply 1
nope! not 4 me.. are u having an op? or worried? xx
Reply 2
Depends what you call a major operation. I had an IM nail inserted down my tibia and now have a huge, fresh scar on my knee (looking much worse then the scar in place where bone orginaly came through folowing compound fracture). I don't care much about it at the moment though. I am more excited about being able to walk again. I was promised that it will fade with time. We will see...
Reply 3
I have a scar from my appendicectomy on my stomach. It's barely noticeable now (over 10 years old), but it is bigger than current ones (they do it keyhole now so you get three about 1cm long; I have one which is ~5cm. I quite like it really :smile:
I had the muscles behind my eyeball weakened because I had problems with it and you can't tell.
Reply 5
I have a scar from my appendicectomy on my stomach. It's barely noticeable now (over 10 years old), but it is bigger than current ones (they do it keyhole now so you get three about 1cm long; I have one which is ~5cm. I quite like it really :smile:

Same, just amuses me cos it doesn't tan at all, when the rest of my tummy does. It's still quite noticable on me, but I don't mind it at all. Often a good conversation starter!
Reply 6
I have quite a big scar from a hernia operation, that was a very simple operation and even then I was out of action for a few weeks.

I should have had key hole surgery but the equipment needed for that had not been sterised(sp) due to industrial action so I had a choice of having the traditional opp or going home.

Two years later I still get the odd scar pain.
Reply 7
I had a spinal fusion to correct scoliosis(curvature of the spine) two years ago.. consequently i have a scar all the way down my back and one around my side (where they removed ribs for the fusion) but i love my scars, weird as that may sound.. i'm really proud of them because they are a symbol of a lot of pain.. you should never be ashamed of scars, they make you individual :smile:
Reply 8
I've had four operations but I've only got one scar - about eight inches long down my knee. It bothered me between the ages of 13 and 17 but life is too short to not wear miniskirts!
I had a spinal fusion to correct scoliosis(curvature of the spine) two years ago.. consequently i have a scar all the way down my back and one around my side (where they removed ribs for the fusion) but i love my scars, weird as that may sound.. i'm really proud of them because they are a symbol of a lot of pain.. you should never be ashamed of scars, they make you individual :smile:

i think thats a great way to look at it and i think everyone, especially those without scars, should be positive about things in general, like you seem to be! :smile:
Ive got a scar :biggrin: & proud!!!

When I was younger (& smaller) it use to cut me right in half but now ive grown its shrunk. its quite noticeable & wont heal anymore so im stuck with it. Use to be really self-conscious & worried but now im pleased, it makes me an individual & unique & shows im a born survivor - im even going to wear a bikini for the first time this summer :biggrin:
i copmletely ****ed my arm up 10 years ago - fell off 20ft off a massive slide in a elevated playground - landed on my arm - multiple fracture i.e. shatter into tiny fragments - my arm was kinda bent into a curl - kinda fun looking back on it

so had 9 hour operation and had plates put in for couple of years and now i have 2 big scars on my right forearm - to be honest they don't really bother me i don't think of them at all unless they come up in convo - in a way i am quite proud of them actually - kinda like a war injury proving i had a hell of a childhood - lol it was sooooooo much fun
I have a few scars around my legs- one from falling whilst running on a treadmill and hitting my knee (i am suprised that left me with a scar) and another one from kneeling down to talk to someone who was drunk at a party and i ended up with a piece of glass in my leg- nice!

I used to be really self concious about my scars, but apart from one stupid nasty girl, they're never mentioned or commented on! I've grown to accept them now!

Going to have a major spinal fusion in 2 days.
Will have massive scars. But thats life. I might get tatoos to cover them later in life
i severed a nerve and a tendon in my hand a couple of years ago, had to have an operation to fix them back together...
ive got a scar on the heel of my mind; when i first had stitches it looked like my thumb had been cut off and sewn back its faded; my thumb was numb for a good few months after as well. Still, much better now; the only operation i've ever had. If im really lucky the only one i'll ever have.
Reply 15
Same, just amuses me cos it doesn't tan at all, when the rest of my tummy does. It's still quite noticable on me, but I don't mind it at all. Often a good conversation starter!

Well, I don't tan, so that's not an issue. I rarely wear a bikini, but if I did, the thought of people seeing my scar wouldn't bother me. It's not like it's a major one anyway.
I've had 2 lots of cardiothoracic surgery. I had to sign the form that I consented to having my chest cracked open at the front (in case the keyhole methods didn't work) but each time I got just the keyholes. The scars aren't all that nice (I have 4 on my chest) but my bra covers them.
Reply 17
Major operations? (does a quick count...) Yes, I've had three.

One when I was a baby, due to some digestion problem. A small vertical scar on my stomach. The second when I was 10 (on my birthday, no less), which was appendicitus. The scar's a good 10 cm, since my appendix had already exploded when they came to operate. The third was to correct my jaw alignment nine months ago, which left me with plates in the side of my face, a numb chin for three months, but no scarring.
Reply 18
I had a spinal fusion to correct scoliosis(curvature of the spine) two years ago.. consequently i have a scar all the way down my back and one around my side (where they removed ribs for the fusion) but i love my scars, weird as that may sound.. i'm really proud of them because they are a symbol of a lot of pain.. you should never be ashamed of scars, they make you individual :smile:

Hey Bridget. I have had exactly the same! had it about three years ago though just a couple of months after i had turned 15. The scars are the same i have two on the side that are about 3 inches and one that just goes all the way down the back. I love the attitude you have to them. To be honest i have never really thought about them though, i have just accepted they are they and barely notice. Not loads of people know that i have them bcos i have made new friends etc since my operation, but yeh it is a good sign that i have been through 9 hours of surgery and lost 6 pints of blood in the process! haha its all good now and i wouldn't have it any other way the benefits sure do out way the cost and i am so glad i had it done.
Reply 19
I think scars are so cool! They make people seem mysterious and add character and individuality. I've got a wide one running 12 inches vertically on my lower torso and it's straight down the middle until it gets to my belly button where it veers around it then carries on. but it means my belly button is stretched and sits much more to the left than it should! But assymmetry is also cool.... :smile: i'd have no worries about scars Anon1, they go in a few years if you really hate them but i really like mine.