The Student Room Group

I feel so unlike me...

I am usually so happy and cheerful and try to smile and stuff but recently whenever I'm alone I just start crying and today I did it in public. It seems that everything is going wrong all of a sudden.

My boyfriend keeps nagging me to move in with him and asking me if I still love him, which is stupid because of course I love him, but when I say that he always says well why dont you move in. There is not an answer in the world I can give which he wont take the wrong way.

I made friends with a boy a few weeks ago, and he is just a mate I swear. We really clicked and have spent loads of nights just talking to each other on the phone or on msn sometimes till really late at night (2 or 3 in the morning) but today when I tried to talk to him he wasn't saying much and then I text him asking if he was pissed at me and he has ignored it.

My pet died the day before yesterday and noone in my family cares AT ALL! that she meant something to me they just see it as less wasted money.

I just dont feel ready to go to uni yet... it's crept up on me so fast. I'm gonna lose the best mates I have ever had.

And the worst part is that I don't know who to talk to about this because noone even thinks this is what I'm like. I don't know whether they will take me seriously or not. I just need to stop crying!
Reply 1
It just seems like theres a lot on your mind which has slowly built up and taken you a bit quickly... just break it all down and try to sort it out bit at a time because none of those problems are insomountable really

guessing that you're 18 and moving off to uni in september i'd say that not moving in with your boyfriend is a good move, and if he loves you he'll understand your reasoning

this new mate, nothing wrong with chatting loads to him, maybe he's just had a bad day or something else is going on... if you've only known him a few weeks you probs cant really expect him to share everything with you atm

your pet dying is sad and is a shame no-one in your family feels the same way, maybe sit down with them have a chat and discuss getting a new one?

uni, im feeling the same way! it'll be a big change but you gotta accept that things in life change, and can only be a good thing to have new challenges, grow up etc... and if you put the effort in you won't lose your best mates

hope some of that helped, read this (or even better listen to the song!)...

always puts a smile on my face anyway
Reply 2
Thank you very much. I had never read that before, it is very sweet.

The prob with my moving in with my boyfriend, is that he is expecting to buy a flat in Lincoln so I can live with him. He is prepared to move all that way for me and I don't know how to say no!
well it's going to be alot easier from where you live now! think how hard it would be if you moved to london then ended up telling him you didn't want to be there. you just have to be brave, all the most important desicions a person comes across require a level of bravery.
Reply 4
Maybe you should go off on holidays with some friends? You need some time away from everyone and everything you know. My gf just left to the UK and I think it's a much needed break, as it's made both of us realise how much we love each other, and how much we cannot bear to be apart from each other. Distance allows the heart to realise how much we appreciate our loved ones. That's human nature, unfortunately.