I am usually so happy and cheerful and try to smile and stuff but recently whenever I'm alone I just start crying and today I did it in public. It seems that everything is going wrong all of a sudden.
My boyfriend keeps nagging me to move in with him and asking me if I still love him, which is stupid because of course I love him, but when I say that he always says well why dont you move in. There is not an answer in the world I can give which he wont take the wrong way.
I made friends with a boy a few weeks ago, and he is just a mate I swear. We really clicked and have spent loads of nights just talking to each other on the phone or on msn sometimes till really late at night (2 or 3 in the morning) but today when I tried to talk to him he wasn't saying much and then I text him asking if he was pissed at me and he has ignored it.
My pet died the day before yesterday and noone in my family cares AT ALL! that she meant something to me they just see it as less wasted money.
I just dont feel ready to go to uni yet... it's crept up on me so fast. I'm gonna lose the best mates I have ever had.
And the worst part is that I don't know who to talk to about this because noone even thinks this is what I'm like. I don't know whether they will take me seriously or not. I just need to stop crying!