The Student Room Group

Out of interest..

What are your parents views on having boyfriends/girlfriends to stay over for the night.

Are they not allowed to stay at all?

Allowed to stay, but in a separate room?

Or allowed to stay in your room?

My mum has always been really funny about it, and would never let a boyfriend of mine sleep over in my room. Yet when I'm at uni it would blatantly happen anyway. :confused:

I understand parents have rules and everything, but I'm just interested if other people's parents feel similar to my mum.


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Reply 1
my parents get funny about it in my own house.

But my gf's parents don't mind if i sleep in her room, in her bed, with her. - my parents don;t mind that either.. meh..

house rules and all.. It's my dad that gets funny about it in my house..
Reply 2
I'm a bit embarassed to let a boyfriend stay at my parents! :frown: I'm sure they would be ok with it. I stay at his flat all the time... Perhaps it's just strange for them thinking that you are grown up... Dad's especially get protective over their daughters.
Reply 3
My daddy wouldn't let me have anyone male overnight even in separate rooms, except for Mark now I'm engaged.

Mark's parents still make me sleep in a separate room! They wanted separate tents when we went to Reading festival!
My girlfriend stays round in my room most weekends, my parents are pretty easy going about it. Having said, I don't know what their attitudes would've been like if I was younger. Only really had a girlfriend the past 8/9 months.

Whilst I was single my mum could get really damn annoying trying to set me up or suggesting that I ask x and y out. I think she just desperately wants me to get married and have kids so she can baby them, lol.
Reply 5
Yet when I'm at uni it would blatantly happen anyway. :confused:


Your profile already says that you are at uni :hmmm:
Reply 6
It's not the 'done thing' apparently. I'm 19 next month and most of my friends are allowed their boyfriends/girlfriends to stay over without any issues.
Reply 7
Your profile already says that you are at uni :hmmm:

I mean during term time at uni. Just finished my first year.
Reply 8
I mean during term time at uni. Just finished my first year.

ahh ok :smile:
Reply 9
half the problem is my house is sooo small, my sisters room is right next door and my parents are just above me. I don;t think either of them would appreciate shagging noises..
Reply 10
half the problem is my house is sooo small, my sisters room is right next door and my parents are just above me. I don;t think either of them would appreciate shagging noises..

I live in a bungalow. Sex would not be happening with parents in the room next door!

I just wish my mum was more laid back.
I was pretty much allowed my boyfriend to stay over in my bed from age 16/17. (I'm now 18). I think my parents were quite relaxed about the whole issue and I'm glad they were :smile:

Sarah x
Reply 12
i havent asked my parents yet as i am only in my 1st relationship. my girlfriend is 2 and a half years younger than me tho which is a problem. definatly wouldnt be allowed now. but probably might be allowed for her to stay after new years. she hasnt met my parents yet, she should get along with them and if she does, then they probably will be fine. but they arent going to be in every night and when they are out for the weekend to france or wherever, she will be able to stay over. dont think her parents would let me though, depends how they think of me i guess, lol.
What are your parents views on having boyfriends/girlfriends to stay over for the night.

Are they not allowed to stay at all?

Allowed to stay, but in a separate room?

Or allowed to stay in your room?

My mum has always been really funny about it, and would never let a boyfriend of mine sleep over in my room. Yet when I'm at uni it would blatantly happen anyway. :confused:

I understand parents have rules and everything, but I'm just interested if other people's parents feel similar to my mum.


Perhaps most parents prefer not having to think about it, and that is achieved by avoiding obvious reminders like (being asked about) someone staying round. Lots are surprisingly conservative and play it safe (ie more so than how they are with general issues) when put on the spot - especially so if you say that you'll play it safe yourself.
I've never had a boyfriend stay over at my parents house but they were fine when a male friend stayed in the spare room after a night out. They let my brother have his girlfriend stay when he was about my age though.

My mum was young when she got pregnant with my brother and so she knows and doesnt mind when I've had friends who have been couples kip over when they have been on holiday and we've had a 'party' but I don't know what she'd think about me.
I'm 17, and my mum and dad know I'm sexually active, but don't want to hear noises or anything. I'm allowed my girl to stay if I want, but I've only got a single bed, so Usually, she ends up in my bed, and I end up on the floor, it's a bit too cramped for two in asingle bed! I'll get a double bed when I can afford one.

My girl's mum and dad are soooooooo tight on her, they don't even let met go upstairs with her! She's 18 though............Strange, yes!
Reply 16
My own Mother would probably find it vaguely re-assuring.
My boyfriend is coming to stay for a week next week and he has to sleep in a separate room... but when I go to stay with him, I think we'll be sharing.
My dad was the same as your mum - can stay over but different rooms, though at uni we shared beds anyway... madness!
Reply 19
My dad was the same as your mum - can stay over but different rooms, though at uni we shared beds anyway... madness!

My parents are this way also. I go to see my boyfriend and stay over all the time and vice versa during the term. He's coming here (I'm home for the summer) next month to meet my parents for the first time and I think it'll be a case of separate bedrooms. And I'm almost 21! I think once, my ex was allowed to sleep in my room with me, but only because he had fainted previously during the evening and I was there to keep an eye! When i was at his house or on holiday with him and his family, they (his parents) were cool about us sharing a room.

I think it's all about parents not wanting to think about it, or it be in their face. Even if they know it's going on elsewhere, they don't want it happening under their roof infront of them.