The Student Room Group

Are you healthy?

Thought I would create a thread to complain about all the common health problems and illnesses we have like diabetes, asthma, not that they are a problem if you have the sorted but still, whats your list:biggrin: Mines:

allergy to penicillin
allergy to daz washing powder
poor vision (glasses)

and I might have diabetes will find out soon:rolleyes: :frown: Oh and anxiety if you count mental health.

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Cold-related asthma.

Apart from that I'm in tip-top condition :biggrin:
Reply 2
Cold-related asthma.

Apart from that I'm in tip-top condition :biggrin:

uh is that asthma when you have a cold?
uh is that asthma when you have a cold?

Its brought on when I have a cold yeah, so if I get a cold my airways get thinner too, vicious cycle really!
Reply 4
My right eye is lazy, therefore I'm long-sighted, but apart from that I'm fine. I guess you're wondering why I'm up at 1:40AM claiming to be healthy; I went to bed at 7PM because I was so tired after my final exam.
Reply 5
Its brought on when I have a cold yeah, so if I get a cold my airways get thinner too, vicious cycle really!

ah ok
I guess you're wondering why I'm up at 1:40AM claiming to be healthy
It hadn't crossed my mind until you mentioned it - you could have a polyphasic schedule like me.
Reply 7
Few allergies and looking too young, thats it.
Reply 8
I've got psoriasis, which is really annoying when people think you've got some dodgy highly contagios, tropical skin disease when really it isn't.

dammit people are so ignorant.
any way for those unfamilar psoriasis is a non-contagious skin condition where areas or your skin grows faster then when the body gets rid of it, resultinh in scaley red plaques!
Exzema(?)....only mildly though during times of stress
Disordered eating from time to time

But apart from all that I feel all good and healthy all in all.

Oh yeah I forgot anaemia...and low calcium from time to time!
Reply 11

Same here. Nasty at this time of year :smile:
Reply 12
i just get hayfever but i just pop an anti histamine and im fit as a fiddle
Reply 13
Hayfever :p:
heat rash :s:
Hayfever (on occasions), Low blood pressure (again, on occasions) and now anaemia! Just been diagnosed lol!

Asthma and Glasses (which I love very much...they make me look intelligent) :rolleyes:

And about to get tested to see of I have epilepsy (Gees I hope not, I SO miss driving) :frown:
Reply 16
Allergic to crustaceans/shell fish
Allergic to honeydew melon
Occasional sleep paralysis if that counts
Stressed alll the time if that counts
and i could see some signs of depression....:frown:
Low blood pressure
Severe depression
Symptoms of OCD and BPD

But physically, I'm fine =)
Reply 18
me only got asthma
Reply 19
Hayfever, low blood pressure, slight asthma, bad eyesight and just generally unhealthy in that I smoke and drink too much, sleep at stupid hours and eat junk. =P