The Student Room Group

I left a tampon in!!

I have no idea how, but somehow at the end of my last period I left my tampon it. My period ended about 2 weeks ago, so obviously I'm a little freaked out.

I haven't felt ill or anything, but it stunk when i took it out, tho i suppose this is only to be expected.

Should I be worrying (about TSS for example)?

oh god, i really am an idiot!

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Reply 1
2 weeks!!

Doctor to check it out, Even a 3% chance is a huge chance!

Edit: Infection TSS, something may of happened really
I'd be more worried about infections than TSS. If you'd contracted TSS you probably would've had some symptoms by now.
Wow, that is a long time. I panic if i go over my an hour or 2 lol.

My friend did leave one in for 2 days and was fine but she did go and get checked out because she was scared. I suggest you do the same.
Reply 4
Juicy Fruit
I'd be more worried about infections than TSS. If you'd contracted TSS you probably would've had some symptoms by now.

Yeh, thats probably true, you would have had symtoms by now, and as you ain't i doubt it is serious.

Still, get it checked out as soon as possible, just incase. Always better to be sure, just incase it is bad.

I don't understand how you could have kept it in that long, but im a boy, so i wouldn't have a clue.

Get it checked out :smile:
I don't understand how you could have kept it in that long, but im a boy, so i wouldn't have a clue.

Haha, well I'm a girl and I don't have a clue either.
Reply 6
Juicy Fruit
Haha, well I'm a girl and I don't have a clue either.

:rofl: Least im not alone.

Thats weird how you could have just forgotten. What I do, because my periods are really light anyway, is to use a thin panty liner the days I expect my period will start and finish and only use tampons inbetween. That way I wont have them in when it's not necessary.
Reply 9
I have no idea how, but somehow at the end of my last period I left my tampon it. My period ended about 2 weeks ago, so obviously I'm a little freaked out.

I haven't felt ill or anything, but it stunk when i took it out, tho i suppose this is only to be expected.

Should I be worrying (about TSS for example)?

oh god, i really am an idiot!

It's hardly surprising it smelled bad - it's got two week old blood decomposing on it. TSS would have happened by now if it was going to, I think, but there could still be a risk of other things, though I'm not sure how great it is.
Reply 10
This is just another reason for having regular sex - this sort of thing could never happen!
on my nxt period i'm gonna have no opportunity to change tampon from bout 7am-5pm how risky of TSS do you think this is if i have a heavy flow?
Reply 12
Why will you have no oppurtunity? No chance to get to a toilet? No pockets to keep a compact tampon in?
Reply 13
That's far too long and you shouldn't do it. Hell, you shouldn't even keep the same sanitary pad for that long.

Unless you got kidnapped or something, there IS no situation where you can't go to the toilet all day. That's against human rights or something.
on my nxt period i'm gonna have no opportunity to change tampon from bout 7am-5pm how risky of TSS do you think this is if i have a heavy flow?

Not very risky at all. But if you have a heavy flow, I wouldn't reccomend it, for obvious reasons...
Reply 15
I haven't felt ill or anything, but it stunk when i took it out, tho i suppose this is only to be expected.

Where's a vomitting smiley when you need one?
Reply 16
Get yourself checked out to be safe...
Reply 17
I'm sure there is a vomit smiley on here but I can't find it either ;(
Reply 18
There it is:

Ah, that feels so much better....
Reply 19
on my nxt period i'm gonna have no opportunity to change tampon from bout 7am-5pm how risky of TSS do you think this is if i have a heavy flow?

I'm going to guess this is due to camping/no access to toilet. You can get tablets from the GP that can delay your period for a week or two, not sure what the time limit is, but if you are going away they could be useful :smile: