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Yup there are some in Bristol but not at the uni. My friend says he's going to try and start one. There aren't many boxing gyms, but you could find one if you try. Are you already at Bristol? If so, PM me and i'll give you my friend's details.
Reply 2
Empire Gym + boxing gym down in St Pauls is the best one in Bristol. Head down towards the M32 and its at the St Agnes church in St Pauls. Monday and Wednesday nights from 7pm I believe. £25 membership or £3.50 each time. Good facilities with 3 rings and about 10 bags. Expect quite a lot of pain and not to be treated with kid gloves, its a hardcore place...
Reply 3
What are general gyms like in Bristol, and what kind of prices? Verses the uni gym which is probably going to be full all the time.
Reply 4
(on behalf of somebody else...)

I have been to many of the gyms in Bristol, namely:

Pulse (university)
Empire (St Pauls)
Fitness First (Cribbs Causeway)
La Gym (Easton)

Best gym for weightlifting/bodybuilding is by far Empire, its full of hardcore lifters there. But its only open for men mon/wed/fri/sun (sunday is just 9am - 1230am), the uni gym is just plain easy to get to and in a convenient place so i'm a member there as well as at empire. Fitness first is OK, but far away, LA Gym is scabby as hell and in the middle of the 'hood', not that great anyway, Kingsdown is tiny but cheap, Cannons is expensive and rubbish and full of 'soccer mums'.

If you want any proper further advice about gyms/bodybuliding scene in bristol email me on [email protected] i might just join this site though...

Reply 5
What are the weights in Pulse like? Is it machines, free weights? There are weights aren't there?
Reply 6
Do any of the boxing gyms do MMA?
Hi, I'm starting at Bristol this October and am also interested in MMA. I have found two places which look like good gyms to train at.

Trojan free fighters

and the Sweatbox gym

I am mainly interested in the brazilian jiu jitsu, and have been told that top team, who train at sweatbox are very good.

I'm gonna be living in stoke bishop area, and I think that trojan gym is quite closer although there are only 3 sessions a week, whereas the sweatbox offers BJJ/submission wrestling every day of the week.

Hope you find this information useful!!
Reply 8
Thankyou! Don't suppose you know if women are allowed to train aswel?
I'm Nick, the guy that posted above about the gyms etc.

" What are the weights in Pulse like? Is it machines, free weights? There are weights aren't there?"

Dumbells up to 40kg, 3 or 4 barbells with lots of plates. The main problem is the room, there isn't much room to do a lot. But there is a decent squat rack, bench press and benches, along with a smith machine. There are also the pulley machines that you find in gyms and shed loads of cardio stuff. It lacks a plate loaded leg press and any decent chest decline facilities though, that is the most annoying...

Also the dumbells would be nicer if they went higher than 40 !

Reply 10
Can you curl 40kg?

If you mean bicep curl... thats a really unimportant measure of strength anyway, no I can't curl it.

Can toss it around for a good 15 - 20 reps on chest press though...

Deadlift 205kg
Bench 145kg

Reply 12
Ahh, I know its not a measure of strength, it's just I couldn't imagine curling 40kg.

heh, I lift about half what you do, if that.
Reply 14
I don't know for certain, but I very much doubt that the classes are run for males only. Usually they would specify if a class is male only/female only, but judging by the information on the websites they are most likely mixed classes.

You would be best off contacting the gyms by phone or email or something, to find out for sure, but I would be quite surprised if the classes are male only.

Whereabouts are you going to be travelling from in Bristol? Stoke Bishop seems to be pretty isolated in terms of transport, and I doubt I can regularly afford to pay the cost of bus fares!

I used the AA route planner thing and the sweatbox gym is about 4 and a bit miles from my halls so its kinda out of walking range whereas the Trojan free fighters is about 2 miles. Might have to get a bike from somewhere.
Reply 16
Get a nice lock too, as bike thefts meant to be pretty bad in Bristol.
Holy hell nice lifts I am so ridiculously weak!! Just out of interest, what do you squat, and what is your bodyweight?
Get a nice lock too, as bike thefts meant to be pretty bad in Bristol.

Yup, lost 2 bikes so far
Yeh I will have to check, have to decide if I really want my face *****ed up first. I'm in SB aswel, but I already have my bike!!