The Student Room Group
Reply 1
You are too late this year. The deadlines were last year, and you have to do a lot of preparation in the form of taking the SAT I and usually 3 SAT IIs.

It would not be too late if you are considering it for next year. If so i'll tell you a good organisation to help you.
Reply 2
if you are attending uni this year (this september) and dont want to take a gap year, you can consider transferring to an ivy league uni next year :wink:
Yeppers.. definitely too late. You'd want to prepare way early for you SATs and you can always retake them to up them to give you a better chance. My friend retook hers 3 times, and each time pulled it up by 100 points. So in the end she ended up with 780 for her SATIs and her SATIIs were 800, 780 and 760(?) I think? It helps a lot if you're thinking of applying to the best.

Oh.. and there are a hell lot of essays to write too. So you may wanna think about that too.
Reply 4
Please remember that there exists tremendous universities outside of the ivy league. In fact, for undergraduate studies, some Ivy League schools (cough harvard cough cough) are not even in the top echelon. Aside from schools like Georgetown, MIT, UC-Berkeley, and Stanford (most of whom provide better undergraduate studies than Harvard or Yale), there are loads of smaller schools that will give you a better education. Try looking up Amherst or Middlebury for example. Columbia and Brown are great for undergrad, I have friends there that love it. I also have friends at Harvard and Yale that say that their classes are taught by grad students, their fellow students are snobby, and they are brilliant people that won't even graduate near the top of their class due to the competition.

Unfortunately, you missed the deadline for all of these schools. Deadlines for the Ivys and all others that are not Rolling are either January 1, January 15, or February 1.

If you have any questions about the American college application process, you can e-mail me at [email protected].
Reply 5
yeah i know. i've done the SAT I and going to do SAT II, a friend of mine applying to Middlebury, Amherst, University of Pennsylvania, etc said it was ok to not have the SAT 2 results yet, but if I showed them all I have so far they could admit me subject to me getting particular scores in SAT II. i'm not only aiming for ivy leagues, i also said good US unis, just not sure about their deadlines, so if anyone knows which unis that are good, not necessarily ivies, but i still have time for, please do say.

After all, I'm not really trying to get into an elitist uni in the US, would like somewhere with good credibility and prefer a scholarship. Actually that's why I'd probably prefer a mid-ivy or a not-so-famous but good school over unis in the UK where overseas fees are extortionate and it's really difficult to get scholarships and financial aid in general.
Reply 6
if you are attending uni this year (this september) and dont want to take a gap year, you can consider transferring to an ivy league uni next year :wink:

hi kosine90, you're from manila! are you filipino/a? I am, but not living there. Which school do you go to? I'm guessing IS or Brent...
Reply 7
Most state schools are still open because they are rolling, but it will be very competitive at this point. University of Kansas and schools like that, but they are not on par with top liberal arts schools by any means, especially in the humanities. Most of the state schools have good physics/engineering
Reply 8
Would it be possible to transfer from a good english University to a good american one? If yes, how does it work?
Reply 9
How about just going for a year? Most English universities let you take your 3rd year in an American university. Okay, you don't come out with a degree from that American university, it is accredited by the English university you are at, but it does mean that you wouldn't have to pay their extortionate fees. It would give you the experience, minus the cost!

Or are you set on going over there fully?

Go to this website: (in fact anyone contemplating going to an American university should go there)

They are super helpful. You can ring them up and get advice. You can meet them and they'll help you. Their office (it's in london) has a libruary
with all the prospectuses etc etc. Their website also has good advice.
Reply 10
Forgot to say, they also organise seminars and fairs about the whole system and for colleges etc etc
ur gonna need AT LEAST a 1500 on ur SAT's i can tell u that for a fact, and if ur taking them in the UK u need to go to to find out when they are here and WHERE bc they are in few places and are like 4 times a year compared with the 6 in the US...sooo goodluck!!!!:smile:
But studying in the US is going to cost you. About 40-50k USD just for Ivy League fees. Not nice!

But there's lots of aid out there. My friend got a USD100k scholarship from Brandeis? Umm.. its not Ivy League but its good enough :smile: She's awaiting news from the Ivys.
Reply 13
But studying in the US is going to cost you. About 40-50k USD just for Ivy League fees. Not nice!

But there's lots of aid out there. My friend got a USD100k scholarship from Brandeis? Umm.. its not Ivy League but its good enough :smile: She's awaiting news from the Ivys.

No, but that's what I meant before about not necessarily wanting to go to an ivy league, as long as the school's good and I can get a scholarship... money is one of the real reasons, that's why i'm considering US over UK, not to get into some posh ivy. and there's a lot of financial aid given, tons more than in the UK.
Reply 14
go to
it's basically the same kind of forum as this but for the american system - very helpful
The whole american system needs quite a bit of time to get your head around!
Reply 15
go to
it's basically the same kind of forum as this but for the american system - very helpful
The whole american system needs quite a bit of time to get your head around!

Reply 16

No problem!

messed up the link though: