The Student Room Group
Reply 1
You might get some break through bleeding. But thats always the risk of running packs.

Im not on dianette though so i cant comment on how many you can safely run together, although i think most brands allow you to run several packs together. Id imagine 4 would be the limit.
thankyou :smile:
Reply 3
Im on microgynon and it seems to be fine running a few packs together. Like, I think i've done 4.
Reply 4
I think it's fine to run more than two packs together as long as you have a minimum of four periods a year. However, it's better to have a period as often as possible or they're likely to be quite heavy and unpleasant.
I'm on microgynon and I've never run more than 2 packs together because I'm worried about the long-term effects (apparently if you do it too often it can mess up your fertility chances - not that I'm planning on getting pregnant anytime soon :rolleyes: ) and also because I think it's better to have regular periods. And because my PMS and moods during my period are so much worse when I run a pack on!
But i don't think there's any real harm in it, and I'd probably recommend it during exams etc.
aye its just a one off, not making a habit of it. ive never ran more than two together before..
Reply 7
Should be fine then.

Seeing as how I'm here, I've got a couple of Dianette questions. I usually run two packets together (really can't stand bleeding that often otherwise) but I've noticed lately that I've been getting really weepy on my breaks and I've also been getting some period pain. I've been on it for nearly a year and have only just noticed this, but that might just be because I didn't really associate weepiness with pill breaks. I don't especially want to change Pill, but was wondering if anyone has been having similar issues with screwed up emotions/period pain.
i've started to notice i've got more emotional lately. if you google dianette you'll get loads of stuff saying how dangerous it can be- and how many people have had lots of emotional problems on it. i've also nearly had blood clots- coming off it very soon.
Reply 9
Ok, googled and it told me it shouldn't be used only as a contraceptive. Now, I'm on it because Cilest messed up my skin more than anything else and I need contraception... but I do use it as my only method of contraception (yeah yeah, condoms break and are icky) Confused now.

The only mood things seem to be related to getting depressed. I don't get depressed, I just get mad for no reason and then cry. May have to yell at doctor next time I go for a prescription - was really hoping that I'd be set for uni.
sound the same as whats happening to me. before i went on it i was really calm and never got angry, but now i can just can angry at the slighest thing and ive sried for no reason. then i woke up weeks agp with really a really bad pain in one leg (which has happened 3 times now) it was the worst pain ever and i couldnt move. because i had exams i didnt see the doctor because i didnt want to have to come off it in the middle of exams. but i did some research on it and its banned in several countries- like the usa wont give it a licence as it causes depression. plus its not supposed to be used for more than 6 months. im worried that i wasn't told about side effects when i first went on it. otherwise its worked for my skin ofter microgynon caused me skin problems in the first place. go and have a look at this site called *i think* and find the dianette reviews- what you've got is pretty normal.
Reply 11
That sounds bad - I'm not nearly as bad as you, just a little emotional at times. I mean, I always get angry, I'm just crying now as well as being pissed off. I've been getting period pain but no other pains like you've described. My skin issues have always been hormonal even when on other pills (like Cilest) which are designed to sort out hormonal skin issues. It's a lot more consistent on Dianette, but I do still get the odd spot.

I'm quite concerned that it's banned in some places, though reading about it on the net the reaction (if it's a reaction) I'm having seems quite mild and quite like. When I first went on Microgynon I got really horrid flu-like symptoms.