The Student Room Group

It couldn't, could it??

OK been fancying a girl for ages and although it's probably way too late I just tried making a move -I've made very subtle moves before but this was slightly less. And she just doesn't get it, she replies just as if it was anything. Now, I've been thinking that its just because not a lot of guys like her and she's not very confident, haha like me thinking of pulling her for 2 years. My mate just asked me -with a big smile on his face- "Is she a lesbian?"

Of course, we laughed and joked about her and her mate making videos. But as l walked off l was thinking, hang on, is she?? Possible evidence:

She has some VERY VERY good girl mates, ie they hug sooo much.
She performed a song at open mic night, she wrote about being a 'good girl'.
Worryingly comfortable chatting to my most perverted of mates without ANY flirt.
Still seems oblivious to my feelings after I've asked her round my house/to a gig/for mobile/for email address.
None of my mates like her
Doesn't 'do' text, and never checks email
My mates gf -who I normally won't trust anything from- thinks she's a lesbian too.

So, before l do my planned 'last resort' speech on Monday or Wednesday (the last time l see her without having to contact her) -which i think i'll do lightheadly eg 'look, i'm really ANGRY with you blah blah blah, you never noticed that l really like you *big smile*", should l think twice??

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Go for it!! If she is a lesbian and doesn't want anyone to know she will just say she doesn't like you. Or she will go out with you for a cover up. Or even it could all turn out happy-smily! So many ways this could go but I think she either is a lesbian or very good at hiding her feelings including body language
Reply 2
your "evidence" isnt really evidence. Shes probabily extremely niave and immature when it comes to sexuality stuff. She probabily thinks your flirtly friends are being friendly. And why do you suddenly trust the opinion of someone you said you dont normally trust.

Girls huggin their friends isnt so wierd either.
could be embarrasing if she is lol
Reply 4
if you dont ask you will never know :cool:
Reply 5
high priestess fnord
could be embarrasing if she is lol
what i'm thinking :confused:

not that l'd mind a threesome with her mate :biggrin: -NAUGHTY ME!!!

That's the least evidence of her being a lesbian I could ever think of...

She has some VERY VERY good girl mates, ie they hug sooo much. - Most girls do this.

She performed a song at open mic night, she wrote about being a 'good girl'. - And...?

Worryingly comfortable chatting to my most perverted of mates without ANY flirt. - Maybe she isn't into flirting with complete pervs.

Still seems oblivious to my feelings after I've asked her round my house/to a gig/for mobile/for email address. - Maybe she thinks you're just being friendly, or doesn't get hints, or doesn't fancy you (which funnily enough, doesn't make her a lesbian)

None of my mates like her - So? Everyone likes different people, variety and all that...

Doesn't 'do' text, and never checks email - Maybe is a bit of a technophobe. And no, not all lesbians are afraid of mobile phones/computers

My mates gf -who I normally won't trust anything from- thinks she's a lesbian too. - You're listening to the opinion of someone you wouldn't normally trust?

Overall, I think you should strap on a pair and just ask her out. Don't do the fake anger thing, it's not a good way to go. She'll probably think you're just a bit weird. Be cool, and humour's good, just make sure it's 'safe' humour until you get to know her better. And I think you should grow up a bit too. None of those reasons you listed have anything to do with lesbianism. If she had sex with other women and not men/came out, THAT'S proof she's a lesbian. Otherwise, she sounds like a perfectly normally lass to me...

Good luck and all that. Hope it works out.
Reply 7
aw, go for it!!! I'll be speechless if you approach me and say stuffs like that! I hope the guy i like does the same to me as
The Mudman

Doesn't 'do' text, and never checks email - Maybe is a bit of a technophobe. And no, not all lesbians are afraid of mobile phones/computers


She doesn't sound especially like a lesbian to me but you never know. Ask her out.

You could always ask whether she is or not if you don't think she'd mind. Someone asked me if I was a lesbian over msn yesterday just because I mentioned something about a lesbian porn thing that i'd been watching. :rolleyes: some people really do jump to conclusions way too quickly but it was good that they asked.
Reply 9
aw, go for it!!! I'll be speechless if you approach me and say stuffs like that! I hope the guy i like does the same to me as
Do you mean my 'last resort' line?? It's not too cheesey is it?

JUST LIKE TO ADD AT THIS POINT I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST HOMOSEXUALITY!!! Just don't like the thought of asking one out by accident, could be somewhat 'tricky'
Do you mean my 'last resort' line?? It's not too cheesey is it?

JUST LIKE TO ADD AT THIS POINT I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST HOMOSEXUALITY!!! Just don't like the thought of asking one out by accident, could be somewhat 'tricky'

Yes, it is. Don't try and be funny unless you are! Just ask her.
The Mudman

That's the least evidence of her being a lesbian I could ever think of...

She has some VERY VERY good girl mates, ie they hug sooo much. - Most girls do this.

She performed a song at open mic night, she wrote about being a 'good girl'. - And...?

Worryingly comfortable chatting to my most perverted of mates without ANY flirt. - Maybe she isn't into flirting with complete pervs.

Still seems oblivious to my feelings after I've asked her round my house/to a gig/for mobile/for email address. - Maybe she thinks you're just being friendly, or doesn't get hints, or doesn't fancy you (which funnily enough, doesn't make her a lesbian)

None of my mates like her - So? Everyone likes different people, variety and all that...

Doesn't 'do' text, and never checks email - Maybe is a bit of a technophobe. And no, not all lesbians are afraid of mobile phones/computers

My mates gf -who I normally won't trust anything from- thinks she's a lesbian too. - You're listening to the opinion of someone you wouldn't normally trust?

Overall, I think you should strap on a pair and just ask her out. Don't do the fake anger thing, it's not a good way to go. She'll probably think you're just a bit weird. Be cool, and humour's good, just make sure it's 'safe' humour until you get to know her better. And I think you should grow up a bit too. None of those reasons you listed have anything to do with lesbianism. If she had sex with other women and not men/came out, THAT'S proof she's a lesbian. Otherwise, she sounds like a perfectly normally lass to me...

Good luck and all that. Hope it works out.

I think this post sums up the pointlessness of this thread....
Time for a hijack methinks...

How was your exam? Did Will chuck a pen at you? lol
Reply 13
The Mudman
Yes, it is. Don't try and be funny unless you are! Just ask her.
But thats the problem, when l ask her without mentioning the fact l like her in straight words she doesn't realise; so how do l say it blatently enough without sounding desperate??
But thats the problem, when l ask her without mentioning the fact l like her in straight words she doesn't realise; so how do l say it blatently enough without sounding desperate??

"Hey, I've actually fancied you for quite a while, but never had the courage to ask you out before. Erm... I don't suppose you fancy going for a drink/meal/watching a film/whatever sometime, do you?"
Reply 15
I agree - just be straight with her, and hopefully she will be the same in return. It sounds like you just haven't hinted clearly enough. :wink:
Reply 16
I don't mean to sound nasty but it sounds like shes just ignoring the fact rather than being oblivious to it. In short, she doesn't return your sentiments. Girls know when a guy likes them, we don't need that many hints to pick it've made it obvious and she's avoiding it.
I don't think you should jump to conclusions about people's sexuality...tell her explicitly that you like've got nothing to lose. Then maybe you'll find out if she likes you or not, or is lesbian.
"Is she a lesbian?"...Possible evidence:

...Doesn't 'do' text, and never checks email

haha that one made me laugh.

Yeh dont worry about it. Just ask her its no big deal. I dont see how she'd be offended.

Id be well chuffed if a guy told me he fancied me lol. Id totally take it as a compliment :biggrin: Maybe thats how she'd feel if someone of the opposite sexuality told her he fancied her.
Reply 18

She has some VERY VERY good girl mates, ie they hug sooo much.
She performed a song at open mic night, she wrote about being a 'good girl'.
Worryingly comfortable chatting to my most perverted of mates without ANY flirt.
Still seems oblivious to my feelings after I've asked her round my house/to a gig/for mobile/for email address.
None of my mates like her
Doesn't 'do' text, and never checks email
My mates gf -who I normally won't trust anything from- thinks she's a lesbian too.

... So, taking the above as possible evidence, all friendly, creative, innocent girls who are busy or don't always have access to the internet or phone credit, are lesbians?
Maybe she is, I don't know. But most likely, she's just an ordinary girl who either doesn't care for your advances, or is shy or naive of them. Go try your luck boldly and you'll find out. :wink:
Reply 19
One more for the list, her email address represents a liking for very obscure woman wrestlers :?