Hiya, I think your pretty normal really. Basically, all the different pills either have different hormones or different amounts of the hormones. Some of the pills suit some people and others don't. You just haven't found the pill for you yet. I would suggest that if it's seriously affecting your life that you do go back to the doctor and explain that it's just not working for you and then they will probably put you on another pill. I would have thought that they would tell you to stay on the pill your on until your break and then after the seven days start the new one. I was on microgynon 30 because I had very heavy unpredictable periods and it didn't work for me at all, I ended up having a 7 week period (it changed flow everyday and was horrendous). The doctor put me on to eugynon 30 and this one worked really well for me but then they stopped making it. Then I was put on Normin and it works for me ok, no where near as good as eugynon but I can cope with it lol. There's nothing weird about you don't worryxx