The Student Room Group

Portable EEG

Hello :smile: Wondering if any of you wonderful TSR people can help.

I am going for a portable EEG at the hospital next friday and I am wondering if anyone has been for one before? I have had a normal EEG which took about an hour, but I was wondering how this one works? It stays on for 4 days! :eek:

Things like how do you sleep? How do you wash? etc etc

Any help would be very gratefully received as I am getting pretty nervous to say the least (I have waited 6 months for this damn NHS) :rolleyes:

Thanks all :smile:
Reply 1
I had one when I was in hospital, which i wore for about 4 days. I just removed it for a shower, and then reattached it after. Slept in it, it wasnt exactly a problem. The only issue was that it meant the hospital staff knew if you tried to leave, as you dissapeared off the screen!!! Guess you wont have that problem though!
Reply 2
EEG looks at the electrical impulses in the brain. ECG is the heart.
EEG looks at the electrical impulses in the brain. ECG is the heart.

Sorry, should have said that......oops:frown: