The Student Room Group

i know it's been posted before, but...teacher-pupil?

a friend of mine (female) left school 4 years ago, and has recently started to go out with one of the teachers here. he came to the school to teach history when she was in 6th form, and they always got on really well - during a drunken conversation, two other people discussed how they could pair her and the teacher together...they're both really smart, but also fun, and she's been at uni for the past 4 years...
anyway, i was wondering what the general view on these sorts of things are? she's now 22, and he's 36. he's unattached, no kids...
it's just to me, it seems fine - they seem happy together, and get on really well, but other friends of mine think it's appalling...any thoughts?
Everyone's a pupil at one time. Anyway, the age gap is about the same as that of my parents. She's 22, that's over 4 years since she's been allowed to do what she wanted, and he's not exactly "past it" or a dirty old man. Teacher-pupil - just no, because whoever agrees with it, there will always be more that disagree anyway... but teacher-student is fine.

Besides, she's at uni and he's still teaching in a school. They're not even bound by that.
Reply 2
The main issue with teacher-pupil relationships that are above the consenting age is breach of trust. The idea that the teacher is taking advantage of the strong authority figure position they are in. However if she has been away for 4 years and maybe wants a relationship when she comes back then that's not a problem in my eyes.
Exactly. This isn't a teacher-pupil relationship. And no matter what you think about teacher-pupil relationships they're always going to be wrong in the eyes of the majority; although having said that there will always be someone who disapproves of any relationship. But this one sounds a perfectly legitimate one to me.
There's no taking advantage taking place - there wasn't a relationship happening whilst the teacher was responsible for your friend, and now that they're no longer teacher and pupil there's no trust being abused. As long as they're happy :smile:
Reply 5
If it's university and like a 24 year old teacher and a 21 year old student then it doesn't matter if its a student teacher relationship. however it would be difficult to study if your boyfriend is teaching you and the whole class.