The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Depends on how serious the relationship was really, I don't think there should be specific guidelines. Just whenever you've moved on
In February my boyfriend & I split up; that was my first serious relationship, 15 months or something. Since then I've either been single or in very casual relationships (the first being about 6 weeks after we broke up) and only in the past week have I got with someone with the intention of it becoming serious.
Reply 2
Well when I was in year 10/11 I had 3 girlfriends between that time, the difference between each was around 1-2 months, but I knew them way before we started going out. I think that is essential - to know them for quite a while. I think around a month is adequate to get into a relationship again.

However, it's been almost a year and 7 months now since I've had a girlfriend. :rolleyes: :blush: