The Student Room Group
Reply 1
How long have you known her and is she looking for that kinda thing?

Have you ever talked about "you two"?
Reply 2
I mean, the possibility of you both going out with eachother, have you ever talked about it? And if so, what was her general thought of the idea?
Don't get ya hopes up is my advice. Some girls like ***** and if you're not a **** you've got little chance.
well if she's christian.. then her religion forbids her to be with non-christians..

not like many people folow that nowadays :s-smilie:
Reply 5
she lieks cocky and arrogant guys who dnt treat her great

I'm a girl and trust me, every girl says that at some point in their life. It's a great way of avoiding commitment. Yeah, every girl loves a bad boy, but it's an ideal and it's never going to work in real life. More often than not, when a girl says she likes guys who don't treat her great, she's building a barrier, she's saying "I don't want to be treated well..I don't feel like I deserve it".

Chances are your girl's not ready for a full on relationship with anyone.
The best thing to do is stay being her friend, get close to her but don't expect anything in return. If you really like her then making her happy as a friend will be enough for you.

At some point in the future, she will settle down, and she will want a relationship. Maybe she'll want that relationship with you. But at the moment she doesn't want that- saying she likes arrogant guys is a way of drawing attention away from herself- she doesn't feel like she can be loved just yet. The only thing you can do is just continue to be her friend, no pressure, no strings attached. Maybe something will happen in the future. But she's not ready for it now, and you have to accept that.