The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
So you've got the honours then! Let's see where this will take us.

The journey lies ahead.
Reply 2
I think it's right that camfo, the king of Cambirdge Chat 2004 gets the honours.

:adore: :adore:
Reply 3
Woah, a new day is dawning...

Slow internet sucks.
By less than 2 minutes... :p:

Got to go home today, and if anythign I'd rather not.
Reply 5
What's happening, I'm losing orientation.
Reply 6
how could they take away our beloved thread!?
Reply 7
I am posting on this one because I never posted on the other one, for some reason.

May the chat be long and pointless!

Something to argue about over the holidays: Why didn't TCS and Varsity co-ordinate so we didn't have to read two reviews of John's, Robinson, Kings etc May Balls (/events) and none of Trinity, Clare, Caius et al?

*makes confused noises*

CCMkII? its cool.

oh, and james, good luck with it all. the offer still stands, of course. :smile:
I am posting on this one because I never posted on the other one, for some reason.

May the chat be long and pointless!

Something to argue about over the holidays: Why didn't TCS and Varsity co-ordinate so we didn't have to read two reviews of John's, Robinson, Kings etc May Balls (/events) and none of Trinity, Clare, Caius et al?

Clare doesn't get a review because we don't give them free tickets
Reply 10
Clare doesn't get a review because we don't give them free tickets

Yup - and apparently a whole load of other colleges clubbed together and refused to give them too. Fair enough, I say. It was also very obvious they hadn't been to any of the balls on the Weds night - for starters they were admiring Sidney's fireworks...but there weren't any.

Oh, and Alewhey, I think I finally worked out who you are last night - were you in buttery, having been chucked out of the bar? I was in the group playing a very tame (but loud) version of spin the bottle at the time...

I cannot believe the game we played last night. Who thought that strip Jenga would be a good idea?
Reply 11

Oh, and Alewhey, I think I finally worked out who you are last night - were you in buttery, having been chucked out of the bar? I was in the group playing a very tame (but loud) version of spin the bottle at the time...

Uh yeah I was playing table football in the buttery for a while. I'd just been on the gallon challenge again (added difficulty - all pints must be 5% or stronger) so really I can't remember very much. I do remember looking at the time and wondering how on earth it got to 5:30am. Good times...
Reply 12
I'm happy, got results 2:i :smile: Which is rather cool after getting a poor 3rd in my mock as I'm sure xyro will agree :wink:
Reply 13
Excuse my cluelessness, but exactly WHAT is MK?
Reply 14
Excuse my cluelessness, but exactly WHAT is MK?

short for mark
Reply 15
Camford 3,880

^^My post count in Cambridge Chat.

Just woke up. Life at home means I sneeze a lot, for some reason.
Reply 16
Reply 17
No animals in the house.
Reply 18,,74866,00.html

if everything goes well, I'll be playing with this thing this summer.
It was also very obvious they hadn't been to any of the balls on the Weds night - for starters they were admiring Sidney's fireworks...but there weren't any.
bloody hell yes. Kings was praised for its abundance of food and alcohol, Kings didn't have any free food, the only thing it did have was a burger/falafel stall for £2.50 per portion, and drinks were appalling. If the author was determined to give Kings a positive spin they could have perhaps focused on the ents instead of proving that they can't possibly have been there with such a ridiculous mention to the 'abundance of food.'