The Student Room Group
Reply 1
id stop taking the strepsils they may be making it worse, try drinking lots of hot drinks like tea or chocolate, have soup for lunch its esier than choking on the pasta as it grates ur soar throat. go and see the doctor and get his advice, also you could try gargling with warm salt water
Start smoking
Reply 3
i had this last week! try and look at your tonsils, if they're swollen and red and have white/yellow spots on them then it is probably tonsilitis. You need to get some penicillin for it. paracetamol is the only thing that will help with the pain, but stick to soup and cold yoghurt for a few days. the penicillin will help (if it is tonsilitis) quite quickly, although i'm only better now 1 week on. tea is also quite soothing... good luck!
Reply 4
Try breathing in some steam - getting some already moistened air into your lungs and throat can sometimes help ease the irritation. Maybe run a hot shower and just stick your head in, or run a basin full of hot water, lean over it with a towel over your head to trap the steam, and breath in deeply for a while.

Vitamin C and zinc are good for sore throats. If you've been using normal strepsils, you might want to try strepsils with added vitamin C.

If it's really bad then you can buy over-the-counter sprays that can numb your throat. But if it's that bad, maybe you should see a doctor?
Reply 5
go to the doctors!! :/
Reply 6
Get that spray stuff with the extended nozzle thing, you almost gag when you spray it at the back of your throat but it's the only thing I find that works with a really bad one. I hate sore throats, poor you. :frown:
Reply 7
Sore throats are horrible. I woke up at 3am last night and found out about my throat and after that I just couldn't go back to sleep because I knew it was going to get worse by the morning. I've been taking strepsils which have been very useful so far, and just hope it clears away soon. Thanks alot for your help everyone, I really appreciate it.
My throat is really painful at the moment, I can't swallow anything. I have been taking strepsils to ease the pain but they're not doing anything for me yet. I'll really appreciate it if you could give me any advice on what else I should do to heal my sore throat. Is there any type of food that will help? Thanks.. ohhhh :frown::frown:

Difflam mouth rinse (really bright green!) is available over the counter at the chemist's; gargling with that can help reduce the pain from a sore throat. Gargling with dispersible aspirin in a little warm water is also helpful (don't swallow it, though).

Take paracetamol regularly - if you're an adult, you can have two tablets four times a day (you must leave at least four hours between doses). As you're finding it painful to swallow, you might be better off with soluble paracetamol.

If you have taken ibuprofen ("Neurofen") before, you're not asthmatic, and don't have stomach or kidney problems, take some of that as well. If you're an adult, you can have three 400mg doses per day, at least 4-6 hours apart. You can get ibuprofen in capsules that melt on your tongue to avoid having to swallow them , although those are quite expensive. It's OK to take paracetamol and ibuprofen at the same time.

If things are getting no better by Monday - or if things are so bad you are breathing noisily, or can't even swallow saliva (i.e. you have spit your saliva out because it's too painful to swallow it) then GO TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR!
Depends how bad it is, Beer usually eases it for the night :wink:
Reply 10
aw i have this just now too and its awful! gargle with solpadine. tastes disgusting but its helped me a lot! tea is soothing as well.
cut off your neck
Get a glandular fever test
Reply 13
D O C T O R ?
Reply 14
ooh, i had that :frown: was well crappy. hmm, sore throats usually mean the beginning of a cold i'm afraid :s-smilie:

like the others said, maybe you should go to the doctors if you're really worried

but for the time being, try taking your mind off it :smile: tv usually helps