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underarm wetness but no smell

hey guys! im 15 . my problem is tht wenever i apply deoderant i dont stink at all but there is too much wetness. it is very embarassin wen ppll see u have a wet underarm. i have tried many different deoderants. ive used roll on, spray, gel or plain stick and ive tried both anti perspirant and not anti perspirant. but none works properly. the differnt brands ive used are fa men , sure, rexona, gillete, adidas, nivea but none work. wat can be hte problem?

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Reply 1
do you have hair under ur armpits?
don't worry about it, it's quite common. you can get stuff over the counter at chemists which contains magnesium, u put it on at night then wash it off in the morning and it helps to absorb the excess water. If that doesn't work then u cud speak 2 ur doctor about it, coz i'm sure there are other treatments which would work. Hope this helps. :smile:
I have a similar problem and I think it's to do with armpit hair. (if you don't have any then I'm not sure!)
Reply 4
If it's really really embarssing buy some basil tablets from your local health food shop which help to reduce sweating.
Reply 5
Yeah I find I get this occasionally too. Not great if I'm wearing a grey tee for example!

I've tried various different deos and none have worked really. No smell just general wetness. This problem only really started a couple of years ago though. I didn't sweat at all before that.

It's not terrible or anything but not ideal.
Reply 6
You clearly have untreatable cancer of the armpit.
I think this is a really common problem, and often none of the anti-perspirants work (even the heavy duty ones)

The next stage can be to try a type of electrolysis (which doesn't work very well either) or certain medications (which also don't work for everyone)

The most extreme treatment is a thoracic sympathectomy, where you have the nerves leaving your spine burned or cut through holes in your chest wall. Believe it or not, this doesn't work all that well either. A lot of people who've had it have even worse sweating from different parts of the body (compensatory sweating), and in some people the sweating continues.

There is a tablet called propantheline bromide which does stop the sweating, but its really a last resort because it causes a dry mouth as well.

The best plan (to start with) is to take a supply of clean shirts everywhere you go and change into a clean one when you need to. That beats sitting in an uncomfortable and embarrassing wet shirt anyway.
I get this, but I'm a girl and yes, I do shave under my armpits. Again it's not BO as it's completely scentless... No idea what it is :/
I get this, but I'm a girl and yes, I do shave under my armpits. Again it's not BO as it's completely scentless... No idea what it is :/

It's hyperhidrosis.

It's common.

BO is when people don't wash often enough. Over-sweating is something different.
Reply 10
this happened to my friend of mine, no matter what deoderant she used, she would end up with massive sweat patches, her underarms would literally be drenched with sweat after a few hours. In the end she just decided to stop using deo at all because it didnt help, and she found that she stopped sweating so much, she thinks she was allergic to the chemicals in it or something.
Reply 11
you could just wear an extra t shirt under neath ur clothes
Reply 12
i found the sure cream for underarms reduced the wet patches, also wearing more comfortable clothes underarms, nylon and starched clothes induce sweating on me..... so school uniform wasnt fun, but now im in what i want its a lott better.

So try different clothes aswell :smile:
Reply 13
Try Driclor roll-on or Odaban spray. The latter is better, and you only need to use it 2ce/3ce a week. After a while you may not even need to use it at all.

I find Dove products most protective against undearm sweating, even in very hot conditions.
I have the same problem with my forehead, it is hyperhidrosis as someone said before.

Underarm hyperhidrosis can be treated with Botox injections however.

I am going to the doctors next week!
My god, you're sweating... under your arms! *screams*

I'd leave it personally. People sweat, nothing you can do about it. If it bothers you wear two t-shirts or something so that one absorbs it but pff, I wouldn't trust any medication or anything to take it down, least of all Botox. (Why the hell would anyone want Botox injections to stop them sweating?!)
You clearly have untreatable cancer of the armpit.

hahaha. normally tsrians wouldn't let me get away with a post like that. they're so damn grouchy and overly-serious sometimes.
Reply 17
It will be hyperhidrosis, it can be reduced with medicated deodorant, not as severe as botox injections.
Reply 18
Tried powder to soak up the sweat?
Try Driclor roll-on or Odaban spray. The latter is better, and you only need to use it 2ce/3ce a week. After a while you may not even need to use it at all.

Odaban is so good! I love it! I used to have the same sweating problem, the summer months were horrible, people used to wonder why I frequently had cardigans on, but now i can wear anything I like.
If you use it though, make sure that you don't put too much on, as it can really sting.

Other then that, it rocks :smile: