This is getting impossible
A cheque arrived from my older Car insurance company which was a refund from when I moved to Uni (my policy went down loads) and since both my and my mum put equal amounts in, I figured the best thing to do with it would be to share it equally.
My mum is demanding the entire cheque (which I can't do because my New car insurance company wants money because I have moved back home to a more expensive area) and if I don't hand it over she is refusing to be the grantor on my accomadation next year and now she is also demanding £30 lodge p/w despite the fact we agreed that I wouldn't pay lodge until I found a job (which I am seriously trying to do.)
Honestly I could say that since its my car and the fact I paid for all my lessons, my tests and paid 6 monthly insurance payments (until she says she wanted to paid the rest in order to help me out during my first year of Uni) that the entire cheque belongs to me but I am willing to give her half because I know she paid some too.
What am I suppose to do with her? I have to put up with this until September!