The Student Room Group

is it a third nipple?

how can u differntiate between a third nipple and a mole? im not sure what it is you see...the part of me that doesnt lke the thought of a thir nipple is in denial. hwoever the rational side of me is thinkin - hmm the texture of this "mol" is vey similar to the kinda skin in the nipple area....
anyone care to shed light? or anyone in the same situation? or anyone who ahs a third nipple - kept it/removed it? does it scar if removed?

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Reply 1
my spelling was awful - wrote that quite quick!
Reply 2
depends where it is, if it's on the line down from either nipple, the 'milk line', it's more likely to be a third nipple than a mole.

I have one, woulndn't have it removed ever :biggrin:
Reply 3
When you sqeeze it does it dispense milk?
Reply 4
Having a mole removed leaves quite a big scar. I have one on my back/hip. They used 3 stitches and the scar is quite irritating and very vivid.
Reply 5
no it doesnt dispense milk! wat do u mean by the milk line?
Reply 6
imagine if you were a dog, you know the way they have a line of nipples from their chest to their crotch? thats the milk line. if it's on that line it'll be a third nipple. if not it's a mole.

drawing a pic as we speak :p:
like in the attachment
Reply 7
really?damn. do u think scarring from the removal of a third nipple would be any different from a mole?
ok a q 2 the guys -if u were gettin intimate with a girl and u saw that she had what looked liek a mole/ third nipple on her breast how would u react at the time and afterwards? would it put u off etc?<---that sounded paranoid, bt just curious!
Reply 8
i thin kthe whole 3rd nipple thing is split between the genders. on a guy it's kinda funny and cool, and most seem to like it. on a woman, however, I thin kit might be a bit weird. especially if it's a full blown nipple.
the more nipples the better in my opinion. bring on the nips.
Reply 10
oh thanks for that - thats quite useful. so is that fact- i its not on that line its not a third nipple? my one is diagnolly up on the side of my breast - of that makes sense? (im a girl btw - so does that diagram apply 2 both sexes?)
Reply 11
oh no its not some massive nipple - but i kinda picked it - bad idea, as now the shape resembles more of a nipple as theres a slight peak at the top of it! lol
Reply 12
Pictures required.
Reply 13
if i had a camera that was attached to the computer i would mate- so others with third nipples can determine if it is or isnt!
Reply 14
Pictures required.


well obvously your body will have different contours than a mans body, but the same basic principle is the same, and the only pictures I could get of female milk lines were obscence.
Well, if they remove it, they might cauterise it rather than stitch it. I believe that would leave a smaller and more discreet scar.
Reply 16
could u post the link anway - i dont mind the obscenity! x
Reply 17
the mods will though :p:

just google milk line and check the images
Reply 18
oh right! shall sarch on google images section?
Reply 19
yeh, do that

wiki is pretty weak on this area :p: