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Yeah could be level of stress and being burned out through all those exams, maybe not getting enough vitamins either.
Reply 2
I get tired a lot as well. It is usually when I haven't eaten enough through the day.
Yeah I think it might be stress as well as diet. Often iron and zinc play a critical role in feeling good.

Don't know if you are a gal or a guy but this might help:,,181167_583858,00.html

Hope you start feeling more energetic soon!
Reply 4
yes, i was going to say something wrong with your diet
Reply 5
I don't eat a lot of fruit or veg. also i dont feel like eating anything at the mo :frown:
It's partly your age. I'm assuming you're a teenager? It's the stereotypically lazy time of a person's life, what with growing etc!

Diet is important, as aforementioned.
Reply 7
im nearly 18 and female.. but it's really getting me down. This has happened to me before, and then i went back to normal. now that exams are over and i should be happy, im just lacking so much energy. im going on holiday soon maybe that will help though.
im the same i go up to my bf's and just fall asleep nearly straight away!!its a joke and ill sleep in the middle of the day and all just really lathargic.ive bin like this for about a year now.over exams ppl told me it was depression but now im all finished with exams!!:s-smilie:
Erm i get like this as well. I went to the doctor and he told me im quite badly anaemic however altho i take iron it does not make me much better. However we think it is because i absorb vitamins and minerals badly. Im not saying that is what you have by any stretch because mine is quite serious and i have a lot of other problems. However diet is really really important and it helps to eat things like spinach which are rich in iron. If you are really worried then you should go to the doctors and he will probably run some blood tests. I know how you feel about not eating because i feel sick and nauseated by the thought of food. There have been several times when ive come over all funny and started feeling very sick and shivering because i suddenly get very cold. This usually happens when i force myself to eat something which is rich when im tired. However ive learnt my lesson doing that. Its such a viscious circle though. You dont eat because you feel tired and that makes you tireder. Last time i got a bad episode of this i lost 3kgs in 2 weeks which is by no means healthy. However i slept for 14 hours straight and then did my d of e gold expedition in some rough conditions and i gradually built my appetite up over that expedition and came back feeling so much better and looking much better too. So hopefully that holiday will do you loads of good. The other thing ive found useful is drinking fruit smoothies when you dont feel like eating because they are fresh and you can put some yoghurt in which gives you loads of protein. Try the innocent smoothie book because it has some really good ideas. I hope that this long ramble will be some use and you feel loads better soon.:smile:
I've been feeling like this too- over the exams everyone was like you'll feel better after the exams- but I haven't at all.
Reply 12
Depression can often cause you to be tired a lot of the time, are you feeling down generally or is it just because of the lack of sleep. Your diet may also be an issue. If you can it really is worth going to see your Dr I am sure that they will try and help you and find out what the cause of your tiredness is.
Drink more water
I know exactly how you’re feeling. Lately I’ve been feeling so sleepy and tired. Am always tired I’ve been eating iron supplements for the past 2 years. I have a quite bad anemia and I have to get it checked every 6 months. The iron supplements do help a lot but I have found out that to test how effective it is it depends on how the iron is absorbed. Also as well as taking tablets on regular basis am trying to eat some vegetables and fruit which are rich in iron.

Apparently if you eat your iron tablets with a glass of orange juice the iron gets quickly absorbed I never knew that before. However it is important that you visit your doctor and request a blood test. And if any iron defienciency does show up then you must get it treated as the tiredness wont go away unless you’re treating it or improving your diet.

This sounds a LOT like what I suffered from a few years ago. Ask your doctor to test your thyroid function because your symptoms sound a lot like hypothyroidism (where your thyroid gland stops producing enough thyroid hormone for your body). This struck me in my early teens shortly after a stressful exam period. Everyone was just telling me it was the stress making me so tired & wouldn't believe how awful I was feeling. I had absolutely no energy, couldnt concentrate, was putting on weight even though I had no appetite & was cold all the time! If you are female & are having changes in your periods ie. they are irregular, heavier than normal or (as was the case for me) completely absent then this is another sign.

Apparently if you are genetically susceptible to getting it then a period of stress ie your exams can kick it off. DO absolutely DO go to your doctor because if it is this then it is easily treatable. If you don't go then you will just keep on feeling worse and worse, trust me I went for over a year like that & was very depressed at the end. If it is your thyroid then diet etc. will not help as you will need to get a prescription replacement hormone which you just swallow once a day it is incredibly easy to treat! And I cannot stress how important it is that you visit your doctor, everyone was telling me you're just lazy, or it's stress bla bla bla. Only my insistence got me diagnosed & now I am fine.

It could also be ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). One of my friends suffers from this. It hit her suddenly and she doesn't know why but she is tired almost all the time, has very little energy and needs to sleep a lot.

Whatever you do don't just try to treat this with diet. It may be anaemia but it may not be so go to your doctor! I cannot stress this enough.

Hope this helps!

i'm going through the same thing. i'm usually really energetic and stuff and i've generally got a really great, healthy lifestyle, but now my a levels are over i seem to be in a slump.
it should lift by itself, but look into it if it doesnt after a few weeks.
same but i havent drank water in weeks from a bottle or tap, hardly eat any fruit, and eating habits are bad, have a lot of stress, not much exercise lately, at all, got very low tolerance levels, can't sleep. feel sick. had a blood test, can't be bothered to get the results.
Reply 18
The thing you guys and me 2 are lacking is exercise. Regular exercising should solve all our problems. though to start exercising is the tough part once you have strated its pretty easy.