i'm a 19-year-old girl. My friends always sometimes ask me to go out with them to the Pub just to have some good time together but i never be able to attend any of them because my parents (especially my dad ) wouldn't let me. They see the place as a place where only non-proper people are there, i mean they will say you're a good person if u don't go to the pub. But what i am want to do is just to have some good time with friends; not to drink alcohol! I'm pissed off as people in my age are allow to go out( not just the pub) whenever they want. If i want to go out i'll get lots of hastle, and that's why i alway say no to my friends why they ask me out cus i know the outcome. Also, my dad is not ready to accept me having a bf, my mum is ok bout it(cus she said she understands). Last night we watched a TV programme, we saw a women with a flabby skin after given birth to her child and she had to take plastic surgery. My mum said the why she kept her skin nice was by putting lotza lotion when she was pregnant (and that work), so i said jockingly "luckily u tell me now, i dun want to have falbby skin after having a baby." then my dad turned around and looked at me in an unhappy face and said ""you don't have a boyfriend, have you?" i said "no!" he went:" then, dun even mentin about getting pregnant." i was so annoyed at that moment. I don't know when he'll accept the fact that i would like to have a bf!?! I wouldn't be able to be with those that i like JUST BECAUSE MY PARENTS are NOT READY YET! I think this is why all my parents' brother and sisters marry at the old age (at least 28+) and that's with their first bf/gf.
I appologise for long post but i need to get tese out of my chest if not i'll die soon.