The Student Room Group
Reply 1
All of it.
Well i cant start a fresh as im living at home:eek: It not really that bad:smile: I kinda just wanna meet loads of new people and finally get the career i really want.
Reply 3
I'm moving away from home, and i'm looking forward to the independence and the new experiences, as well as meeting new people, and studying for a degree with subjects that i really enjoy. :biggrin:
Reply 4
I am looking forward to the new experiences, the independance and above all, meeting new people. I also like the idea of studying one subject that I love and can focus all my time on (when studying) as opposed to having to split and jump from one subject to another :rolleyes:
Reply 5
I'm loving the freedom and independance I get, and want to continue making new friends. I want to make a career out of my degree, for definite, and the course is fab, but I'm not just at uni to work.
Reply 6
Degree & Career. New friends.
Reply 7
studying my subject in depth! and gaining the degree :smile:
moving out is also an important factor though not enough on its own
I can't wait to move out and start a fresh meeting loads of new people and making friends, this is probably most important to me. But I will also enjoy studying something I want to do and gaining more independence and life experience.
i'm really looking forward to a new start, more than i really realised i was; i cant wait to meet new people and make new friends. The extra independence and a bit of time away from the family will also be appreciated. Im also however looking forward to my course an insane amount; it really is as if they created the course for me......
i dont think i'll exactly get a career out of my degree, but with an english degree i dont think i was ever going to; i just want to study something i love to depths i wouldnt otherwise get a chance to. Then hopefully i can apply that to whatever career i end up in, but since i dont know what that's going to be.....essentially i want to be an actress.....the drama postgrad i hope to do will do more for that ambition....
thats a bit long winded and convoluted....basically i can't wait:biggrin:
Reply 10
i'm really looking forward to a new start, more than i really realised i was; i cant wait to meet new people and make new friends. The extra independence and a bit of time away from the family will also be appreciated. Im also however looking forward to my course an insane amount; it really is as if they created the course for me......
i dont think i'll exactly get a career out of my degree, but with an english degree i dont think i was ever going to; i just want to study something i love to depths i wouldnt otherwise get a chance to. Then hopefully i can apply that to whatever career i end up in, but since i dont know what that's going to be.....essentially i want to be an actress.....the drama postgrad i hope to do will do more for that ambition....
thats a bit long winded and convoluted....basically i can't wait:biggrin:

I was going to post something very similar, then scrolled down and saw what you had written...I feel exactly the same as you, particularly in regards to the English degree! I want to study English at Newcastle, I doubt I'll get there but the course looks amazing and I don't care if it won't lead to any specific career, I just want to immerse myself in as much literature as possible for three years. :biggrin:

Another thing I'm looking forward to is living in a northern city. I prefer the climate, I prefer the people, I prefer the landscape...I prefer mostly everything! Considering the fact I live smack bang in the middle of Norfolk this isn't surprising though. :smile:
Degree, mostly. Meeting people too but I'm shy! Not a fresh start because I'm living at home anyway.
To gain confidence, a degree and independence
To get better social skills, make more friends, the freedom, the subject matter, and most importantly - to become an alcoholic. :smile:
getting away from everything. a fresh start with new people in a completely different area to where i live. i can't wait. i have had enough of everythig at home and uni is going to be great to get away from it all. I really can't wait to start my course eitheras it is something that i love without the constant distractions of other subjects!
I know this is gonna sound so childish but for the freeeeeedom. Not having to answer to anyone, say who im going out with 'what time did i get home last night?', 'hangovers are your bodys way of telling you not to drink so much nag nag naaag'
The list goes on so yea....freeeeeedddddooooooom :biggrin: