The Student Room Group

sweaty balls + worried about sex

Two things..

Firstly, i have very sweaty inner thighs by my bollox, so my thighs and bollox get very smelly, other than washing regularly, what can i do? Diet wise perhaps?

Secondly, i am a virgin and get verrry worried whenever a sexual encounter is likely to occur (unrelated to the above problem). I get very shakey and nervous and it was to an extent that I was unable to perform with my girlfriend. Has anyone else had simular problems? What can i do!
Are you joking?

Of course this is going to happen, on both counts. You can't do anything about the first, and the second will only get better with experience.
just relax. easier said than done i know but maybe you should just take things abit more slowly to get over your nerves.
Reply 3
Regarding the second issue, you should be with someone that you love and can be relaxed with so there should be no problem there.
Reply 4
Regarding the second issue, you should be with someone that you love and can be relaxed with so there should be no problem there.

LOL No matter who a guy's first time is with he will always be thinking 'oh crap oh crap oh crap I'm about to have sex!' That is where the anxiety stems from.
LOL No matter who a guy's first time is with he will always be thinking 'oh crap oh crap oh crap I'm about to have sex!' That is where the anxiety stems from.

surely it would be worse because he would want to please her as well. if it was a one nighter he wouldnt care as much about his performance.
Reply 6
high priestess fnord
surely it would be worse because he would want to please her as well.

Indeed! (Well, he SHOULD)
Reply 7
Two things..

Firstly, i have very sweaty inner thighs by my bollox, so my thighs and bollox get very smelly, other than washing regularly, what can i do? Diet wise perhaps?

Secondly, i am a virgin and get verrry worried whenever a sexual encounter is likely to occur (unrelated to the above problem). I get very shakey and nervous and it was to an extent that I was unable to perform with my girlfriend. Has anyone else had simular problems? What can i do!

If you are overweight then you are likely to sweat more.
And if you're not already, wear boxer shorts as opposed to briefs.
Reply 9
If you are overweight then you are likely to sweat more.

Reply 10
not overweight, seems thats the only specific area.. and it only started a few months ago :s-smilie:
Reply 11
See a doctor? You could be developing hyperhidrosis, as that only affects some parts of the body.
It just sounds like you're nervous, and the first point could be stimulating the second.

I recommend practice. Lots of it.
How old are you? I'd be more worried if you were 25 than if you were 16.