The Student Room Group

shaved pubic hair

ok guys basically i was in a hurry last night before going out, and wasn't looking particularly neat 'down there'. in fact it was a bit like an overgrown forest to put it bluntly haha and who knows if i was going to get lucky that night so i decided to shave around my vagina, like right between my legs and my bikini line. however now this morning its sooo painful! and all sore and red. i know in the future i should probably wax instead but what can i do to reduce the pain now?! i can hardly walk.
any advice pls! sorry for the graphic details..

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Reply 1
its basically the ingrowing hairs. Those hairs grow very fast, i would never recommend shaving down there. Alot of girls trim with either scissors or special shavers which leave a few cm's behind. Beard trimmers i think they are.

Anyway moisterising may help, but its mostly going to be a wait for the hair to regrow.
Reply 2
:smile: Shaving down there is pefectly safe, although if you shaved like you shave your legs opposite to hair growth it can become sore. Always use a fresh clean SHARP razor, plenty of gel/foam, and shave in the direction of the hairs...i.e DOWN.

For now use either Aloe Vera gel or 'Palmers cocoa butter' they are both very good at soothing the skin. I hope this experience doesnt put you off shaving as it can be veeeeeeeery erotic for men and yourself. xx:p:
Shaving down there if done correctly is fine and alot of guys like it.

However it is essential to do things right, a few tips here:

Firstly its best to do it after a shower your skin and hair is softer.

Use some sort of shaving cream if its available (non smelly one!)

This point is very important, make sure you move the razor in the correct direction, move with the hairs rather than against them, or you will get horrid bumps forming!

The wash the area you have shaved and apply some moisturiser. It may feel strange to start with but for many, worth it in the end!!

Good Luck
I thought most girls waxed/shaved :eek:. I haven't been with a girl who hasn't done one or the other except once. I hope it never happens again!
Reply 5
Moisturise. You should have done it last night.
Reply 6
Silly moo. Get the Savlon out quick, innit.
I thought most girls waxed/shaved :eek:. I haven't been with a girl who hasn't done one or the other except once. I hope it never happens again!

You must be bloody joking... no way. OUCH. God, why is our society so obsessed with removing secondary sex characteristics?? :mad:
Reply 8
Because of hygene for one thing! also the heightened sexual pleasures, amd aesthetic values try it.
I don't believe it can possibly make any difference to either of the first two. Particularly not the first.
So congealed semen and vaginal juices festering in the warmth of female pubic hair isn't going to make a stink? There hair is there for when we used to run about naked, to protect from dust, with the invention of knickers it's useless.

As for feeling, when shaven just think of all the more nerve endings there are on display.
You must be bloody joking... no way. OUCH. God, why is our society so obsessed with removing secondary sex characteristics?? :mad:

That would mean involving breasts.

I hate body hair on women. It's just a personal thing I've got. I'm sure that most guys are not as hell bent as me on that. Even too much hair on a girl's arms freaks me out.
So congealed semen and vaginal juices festering in the warmth of female pubic hair isn't going to make a stink?

They're called showers... nothing wrong with washing. :p:
Can't be arsed to shave? Who know's if they shower!
Can't be arsed to shave? Who know's if they shower!

That's a bit how I see it. If a girl shaves/waxes down there it just gives the impression she takes care of herself. That's one of the most attractive things I can think of in a girl. Again, just my personal preference.
Er... I'm sorry, Bubblebee, but I honestly don't see the connection. At all. There's a difference between being hygienic and being obsessed with removing body hair. That's like saying that people who don't pluck their eyebrows halfway into extinction never wash their faces.
Reply 16
Can't be arsed to shave? Who know's if they shower!

Maybe shaving, despite all the amazingly repetitive "expert" advice you get on here, just doesn't work out that attractively. Maybe some of us think it's better just to be tidy? And as the mushroomy person says - it doesn't mean people don't wash!
Right now? Scratch, apply calamine lotion and sob. Not much else you can do. When the ingrown hairs turn spotty, use tweasers to grab the hair.

Basically, some people have more sensitive skin than others. As Helenia says, you can give as much "expert advice" as possible but you can't take into account other people's sensitive skin. Some bits shave fine, some don't, trim or shave what you want. If it's not "tidy" and you want a quick job I recommend the remington bikini trimmer
Ditto. Personally I'd much rather stay permanently tidy than forever shaving off stubble.
Er... I'm sorry, Bubblebee, but I honestly don't see the connection. At all. There's a difference between being hygienic and being obsessed with removing body hair. That's like saying that people who don't pluck their eyebrows halfway into extinction never wash their faces.

Yes but you can be very hygienic and have armpits that look like a jungle. It doesn't mean that it looks any tidier or gives the impression you take care of yourself. It's a purely aesthetic impression.

And to Bumblebee who indicated her preferences, no I don't shave/wax but if I was asked, I'd have no problem doing it. Most girls have told me that it would scare them if they saw that the guy had shaved/waxed.