The Student Room Group

What to do with gf at parties?

Ok this is nt a problem that i have rite now cos im single bt it happened with my last gf n i still want to know what the right thing to do is.

It was just id always find me ending up with my gf constantly wanting to kiss at parties. Problem was it was in front of most of my friends n i didnt feel happy bout it cos i was leaving them out.

Then once i tried explaining how i felt bout kissing in front of all my mates and then got annoyed with me when i told her i had already explained y i wasnt keen on it and was shirty with me the whole night.

If such a situation should arise again what should i do? and was i right to do what i did?

(sz 4 posting annonymous just my ex uses this site too)

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Reply 1
I see what you mean. There's nothing worse when your mates get off with their boyf/gf in front of everyone else - it's unnecessary and inconsiderate [I'm not saying ppl can't kiss at all, but when it's full on tongues, it's unnecessary and makes other people uncomfortable]. If your ex-girlfriend couldn't understand that then she was clearly irrational. Hopefully your next gf won't be the same :wink:
Reply 2
Ok this is nt a problem that i have rite now cos im single bt it happened with my last gf n i still want to know what the right thing to do is.

It was just id always find me ending up with my gf constantly wanting to kiss at parties. Problem was it was in front of most of my friends n i didnt feel happy bout it cos i was leaving them out.

Then once i tried explaining how i felt bout kissing in front of all my mates and then got annoyed with me when i told her i had already explained y i wasnt keen on it and was shirty with me the whole night.

If such a situation should arise again what should i do? and was i right to do what i did?

(sz 4 posting annonymous just my ex uses this site too)

yes you where!
I would say you were right as you are
I had a boyfriend who was the same
Drove me mad, we broke up
I doubt it will happen again, most girls will understand
Reply 4
Um well its not like you'd have to spend the whole party kissing your gf and totally neglect your mates. I don't think its very reasonable of your gf to expect you to spend the whole time with her, so I think telling her was the right thing to do.

I've never had a gf that is that possesive, so I can only say don't worry, hopefully it won't happen again.
Reply 5
I see what you mean. There's nothing worse when your mates get off with their boyf/gf in front of everyone else - it's unnecessary and inconsiderate [I'm not saying ppl can't kiss at all, but when it's full on tongues, it's unnecessary and makes other people uncomfortable]. If your ex-girlfriend couldn't understand that then she was clearly irrational. Hopefully your next gf won't be the same :wink:

Lol funny and sums it up well. Bt i agree with the not saying you can't kiss at all n i didnt mind when it was just now and then bt yeh i think it went too far n eventually got to me
Reply 6
bt yeh thanx guys 4 learing that 1 up it had been i n my head a while. Glad u dnt all think i was wrong
Reply 7
Just one other thing... Is there anything you would recommend i do shuld it happen in the future?
Reply 8
Do the same as you did this time.
If you're just going to kiss your girlfriend you might as well stay at home and not go to the party at all. Next time you have a girlfriend, hopefully she will feel the same as you, but if not just explain that you don't like it when people get off with each other all the time in front of their friends, and that you think it's rude and inconsiderate, so you're not going to be like that. You were right to say what you did. It's just unpleasant for other people to watch.
Reply 10
Problem was it was in front of most of my friends n i didnt feel happy bout it cos i was leaving them out.

Let them have a go??
Reply 11
Tie her up outside the party, and collect her when your done?
Reply 12
Tie her up outside the party, and collect her when your done?

That is barbaric, at least drop her off at the coat section. Best quid I ever spent.
Yep, completely agree with what RR has said, but I would just tell her how you feel and let her know you find that type of behaviour annoying, lol.

Good luck! :smile:

Reply 14
if i was ever at a party with a bf i'd spend more time talking and having a good time with all the other people/everyone than him, i would be seeing him all the time anyway!

and most females i know are probably the same so hopefully it shouldn't ever happen again. if it does then just explain to her nicely exactly how you feel and she should be understanding.
Reply 15
I can understand the embarrassment that kissing her in public may cause you, and this is completely natural. It of course, by no means indicates that you are embarrassed of having her as your girlfriend or don't love her - I think it's just a matter of doing things at the right place and at the right time, while bearing in mind your environment. Have a talk with your girlfriend over this matter and see if you both can come to a common understanding on the matter - parties will be a much better event for you both then. :smile: No one's saying you can't hold hands occasionally or introduce each other to your friends, but I'm sure many would appreciate that the display of affection be kept private.
Reply 16
I had the same problem of feeling weird about public displays of affection. No-one likes to see them. However I blame my feelings about it on insecurity. Eventually my girlfriend came round to my point of view and we stopped.

We split up though so don't listen to me. Ever.
Reply 17
I had the same problem of feeling weird about public displays of affection. No-one likes to see them. However I blame my feelings about it on insecurity. Eventually my girlfriend came round to my point of view and we stopped.

We split up though so don't listen to me. Ever.

The point still stands though - insecurity. Yes. One would need alot of self-confidence to go about brandishing that affection because it could go down the wrong way with others and the repercussions may not be as beautiful as you had expected them to be. Instead of commending you for having such a wonderful girlfriend, you may very well be criticised for your lack of judgement when kissing in public areas.
Ok this is nt a problem that i have rite now cos im single bt it happened with my last gf n i still want to know what the right thing to do is.

It was just id always find me ending up with my gf constantly wanting to kiss at parties. Problem was it was in front of most of my friends n i didnt feel happy bout it cos i was leaving them out.

Then once i tried explaining how i felt bout kissing in front of all my mates and then got annoyed with me when i told her i had already explained y i wasnt keen on it and was shirty with me the whole night.

If such a situation should arise again what should i do? and was i right to do what i did?

(sz 4 posting annonymous just my ex uses this site too)

No, you're totally bang on. It was undoubtably a reflection of her self-esteem/insecurities that she felt the need to pull constantly. The only thing worse than an excessively PDA couple is a girlfriend excessively keen on PDA.
its rude and anti-social
Reply 19
i don't think there is anything wrong with kissing your gf infront of people imo but it does have to be moderated a bit. Nothing wrong with having a compramise and kissing her for 2 min of the whole party?

I think though to the OP that what you did was the right thing for you as you were honest and told her how u felt. This was the right thing to do.