The Student Room Group
Reply 1
divide cm3 by 1000 to get dm3
divide cm3 by 1000,000 to get m3
Reply 2
do you mean dm3 /100 = m3
to convert cm3 ito dm3, divide by 1000
to convert dm3 into m3, divide by 1000
to convert cm3 ito m3, divide by 1000,000
Reply 4
yep ur right my bad
Reply 5
oops i wrote 100 aswell, it's 1000
Reply 6
wow quick response people, thanks v.much
is dm=cm3 ??
Reply 8
Original post by RabicaFay
is dm=cm3 ??

No, dm is a measure of length while cm3 is a measure of volume. However, 1 dm3 = 1000 cm3.
Guys is dm^-3 the same as cm^3?
1 cm3 is simply a cube with sides 1 cm x 1 cm x 1 cm
1 dm3 is therefore a cube with sides 1 dm x 1 dm x 1 dm
hence 1 m3 is a cube with sides 1 m x 1 m x 1 m

100 cm = 10 dm = 1 m

1 dm = 1 cm

How many 1x1x1 cm cubes fit inside a 1x1x1 dm cube?

10 along one edge x 10 along the base x 10 up the sides.


Likewise 1000 1x1x1 dm cubes fit a 1x1x1 m cube.