Well, Ive just watched a tv programme called 'middle aged mummys boys' and its basically self titled. 3 40 year olds were still living and sponging off there mum, one of them never did anything never cleaned up after him, lay in bed most of the day, only had a bath once a month and his mum had to help to wash him otherwise he wouldn't shave or clean himself. He had no mates and went to a counceller who said he had seperation anxiety (to his mum) and daily routine was made for him to get up early and go to the gym etc. It lasted for about a week but then he fell back into his usual habits yet got a job offer but his mum had to throw him out for . He was kicking off and had no idea where to go lol so he went to a youth hostel, then after 3 days got fired from the job and went back home, she let him in!
Im wondering though what do you think causes this in people? Im worried im going to turn out like that as im female 22 still live with my parents, no job and am really scared at the thought of leaving in the future, I don't want to turn out like that! Is it just part of someones personality do you think or because of the way they were brought up? He was chucked out yet that didn't do him any good as he was fired and went back so nothing must work. My cousin is similar (though he does socialise) he is 20, has no job and won't do a tap in the house for his mum.
All you independant people do you find it hard to leave your parents but force yourself to or does it just come naturally?