The Student Room Group


Basically, this has been happening on and off since around february. I've been really ichty and red in my vaginal area and the symptoms that I've had have led me to think that I've had thrush. It's come and gone so I've not got round to getting anything to cure it, as by the time I do, it's gone again.

However, I am now prone to cold sores and my boyfriend has given me oral. Even though he hasn't got cold sores, I'm worried that I actually have Herpes as some of the symptoms are similar and I have a few small bumps around the bottom of my vagina, but I can't remember if these were there before and are therefore normal.

But then whilst the irrational part of me thinks I have herpes, the more sensible side of me reminds me that I've been itchy and sore down there way before I started to get cold sores. So I really don't know what to do and would really appriciate some advice as I'm really worried.
Reply 1
go to the doctors, get yourself checked out and tested. Its better to be safe than sorry, last thing you wanna do is give it to your chap too.
Reply 2
doctors is the best.. s gogogo
Reply 3
Reply 4
Go to the doctors, they give you a cream and it will be gone within days. Your boyfriend will need it as well.
Reply 5
if u r 2 embarassed to go 2 the docs then go 2 the chemist and get some cream thrush is very common and u dont want to be giving it to your bloke.. also you can describe your symptoms to either a pharmacist and they might be able to help.... alternatively give your local family planning clinic a call they are normally helpful and it would be completely annonomous.
Reply 6
It's just a little thrush (thrush)
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing (thrush)
Not like everything I do depends on you
Sha-la-la-la, Sha-la-la-la

Sorry. Just had to post that - go and see the doctor (!)
Reply 7
It's just a little thrush (thrush)
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing (thrush)
Not like everything I do depends on you
Sha-la-la-la, Sha-la-la-la

Sorry. Just had to post that - go and see the doctor (!)

ha ha i was just listening to that song ha ha!

any way if you've got thrush and you don't treat it it will keep coming back. have you been on anti-biotics recently because thats usually a cause of thrush. go to the doctors. if he prescibes you canasten cream, it will be a good idea just to buy it normaly because it's cheaper over the counter then via persciption!