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Sex drive / satisfaction running away cos of anti depressants!

Alright... i used to have absolutely no problem with my sex drive and had loads of orgasms when engaged in sexual activity, even just kissing made the earth move:redface:

I was quite depressed due to external factors and started SSRI anti depressants which have done me the world of good, feeling much much better apart from the fact that i dont half as much sex drive as i used to, and worse its really really hard to climax:frown: Does anyone know if im going to be stuck like this til i come off the meds? Or...unthinkable...what if i never get my ability to orgasm???:frown:

Pleeease help somebody...
Owwww, I am sorry honey...I am sure you'll be ok. My bf is on anti-depressants and he hasn't lost the ability to orgasm, but sometimes he loses his erection in the middle of things because of the depression waves that have been smaller, but more frequent since he's been taking the medicine. I think you'll be fine, these things shouldn't leave permanent marks. AND!!! most importantly, lots of girls appreciate it when you're tough to orgasm, because it makes them think you have stamina!!!!

All best and good luck with the golden shower!
It won't be permanent, it'll probably just be your body adjusting to the antidepressants. It may not go back to normal till you're off them but antidepressants are meant to numb your senses a bit, they're not "happy pills", in a sense they're just "anti-sad pills". But this has knock-on effects, as you can see. :smile: You'll be fine once you're off them, if not before.
Reply 3
btw im a girl! thanks
I had the same problem and it only went away when I came off the tablets - but it did come back.

I found myself less interested, less enthusiastic during and afterwards I felt - for some stupid reason - all used and sad. You need to let your bf know that you're feeling that way and he will hopefully be more accommodating. Extra cuddles and kisses, no "humph"ing if you're taking a while. It's difficult for him to strike a balance between encouraging you to have sex (cause it can make you happier) and pressuring you. Just another stinking hurdle with depression unfortunately, but your well-being in general is more important at the moment than sex and he will realise that.
That's what SSRIs do, Fluoxetine in particular - it's the major side-effect. It won't improve/fix itself without coming off them. I can't really offer much advice, since that's pretty much the whole story right there.
try using a vibrator on your own? Im sure you can *learn* to orgasm again, and it will be easier with one of those. Then maybe introduce it to your bf? Just take it slow and it should slowly come back to you xxx