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Female masturbation - why is it taboo?

Have you noticed that girls are WAY more reluctant than guys to admit that they masturbate? Why is this? I'm a girl and I would never, ever tell my friends that I do - it's as though it's looked upon as distasteful and gross. Why is it ok for guys to admit to it though? Double standards!!

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Reply 1
Dunno, im sure theres been loads of threads on this.
Reply 2
^^ ditto. girls aren't generally so keen to talk about sex either, not just this topic! that might be it?
Double standards?

:rofl: :rofl:

It's the girls who aren't willing to talk about it. I don't know a single guy that would find it discusting. It may well be a double standard, but it's entirely self inflicted.
Reply 4
Double standards?

:rofl: :rofl:

It's the girls who aren't willing to talk about it. I don't know a single guy that would find it discusting. It may well be a double standard, but it's entirely self inflicted.

I totally agree.
I know loads o girls who saw ewww at the thought of it. However after gettin rather close to one, she admited she does it all the time...

I dont know why its concidered that way. Its normal and I think a good thing!
I talk about sex all the time. However I don't masturbate so I don't talk about it. For me sex is as much about the person as the pleasure, so although I might be gagging for it sometimes, I don't masturbate.
its a good question.. I know a few girls who admit it, we actually once all went and bought vibrators together. but I´ve wondered about that before..
I think it's more, you diss it until you try it, then you realise what you were missing out on! I've got close female friends that I talk to about that sort of thing, but then there's others that you couldn't mention it to them at all!! It's so double standarded, and I've never met a guy that finds it disgusting.
Have you noticed that girls are WAY more reluctant than guys to admit that they masturbate? Why is this? I'm a girl and I would never, ever tell my friends that I do - it's as though it's looked upon as distasteful and gross. Why is it ok for guys to admit to it though? Double standards!!

I never really noticed that about girls, I've lived with a bunch of girls for a year and although no one really asked straight out do you do it? We just took it as a given that everyone did and there was only one out of nine girls who seemed reluctant to discuss it. Same with sex.
Reply 10
lol i lived with 8 gals nd 4 guys, nd the gals were the ones to start talking bout masturbating in the first place. everyone admitted to it quit happily, guess it just depends on the person - some people (guys nd gals) just dont like to admit to, or talk about it
me and two of my (female) friends were talking about it on MSN, we were quite happy admitting to it!

however, there was a guy in the convo, and he felt a little awkward. Us three are actualluy going to London tomorrow, and were buying vibrators together xx
we all talked about this at lunchtime once and admitted to what we did like its a big sin, but we still have a couple of people who claim they have never touched thereselves in 'that' way except to wash
lol, me and my friend talk about this sort of thing all the time, although sometimes a little loudly for a conversation at school lol. Although I have some friends that I could never even imagine the conversation coming up! And as for guys feeling awkard, my boyfriend bought me my rabbit! Although now he regrets it a little, as he feels a bit jealous of it!lol
Reply 14
In my halls at uni there was 27 women and 8 guys living together, it was all the women that were generally happy talking about it, there was even an Anne Summers party that went on in the hall. I'm open about it myself and don't mind talking about it, although the guys i was talking to it about were quite shocked that i was so open about it. It's natural, and at the end of the day, the majority of people do it, so why not be open about it?
In my halls at uni there was 27 women and 8 guys living together, it was all the women that were generally happy talking about it, there was even an Anne Summers party that went on in the hall. I'm open about it myself and don't mind talking about it, although the guys i was talking to it about were quite shocked that i was so open about it. It's natural, and at the end of the day, the majority of people do it, so why not be open about it?

i couldn't talk about it- it's too embarassing, what if they tell someone they know ?
It doesn't exist. It was a myth created by the FBI to take the heat off Kennedy's assassination. The original inspiration was that the hitmen on the grassy knoll thought that 'grassy knoll' sounded like an interesting euphemism...
Reply 17
unfinished sympathy
i couldn't talk about it- it's too embarassing, what if they tell someone they know ?

I doubt they would pass it on and so what if they did, there's nothing to be ashamed of. As i said before the majority of people do it, so people probably presume anyway.
I doubt they would pass it on and so what if they did, there's nothing to be ashamed of. As i said before the majority of people do it, so people probably presume anyway.

i suppose
I don't know why it's taboo. Im a guy and I'd be kinda shocked if a girl admitted they finger themselves. Yet I have no problem carressing girls in that way :p: