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Reply 1
you cant compaire them. There different kinds of love and niether is more important than the other, there equal unless you have a bad relationship with your family.
Reply 2
yes but say if one day you did have to choose
what would be your decision
Yeah they're definitely equal. Lol, I get jealous of my big bro's girlfriend sometimes though, it's like, "nooooo, you're stealing him!"
Reply 4
i couldnt chose, there totally different.
Reply 5
I guess it depends if you get on well with your family or not and also if you have a family with your lover because that may then take on more importance.
Reply 6
theres also the love you have for your friends which imo is just as important
Reply 7
oh ya i didnt thk of that lol
Reply 8
there are four types of love *waits for someone smart to post them in greek*
Reply 9
You can't pick your parents, but you can pick your friends.

I think it is completely based on your personal situation, whether you indeed like your family. Some people have a special bond with parents that will always be there, others don't. The person you really fall in love with though, and the one who you want to spend the rest of your life with, in my opinion, is the one person you truly love.
you mean i cant have both? :frown:
more or less equal to me
Reply 11
i dono but theres one saying
parents are your past, your partner is your furture
what do you think???
i dono but theres one saying
parents are your past, your partner is your furture
what do you think???

Errm, then who is the present?
Thats a hard question... As said above they are totally different types of love. On one side your family will always be there for you no matter what and always support you in your troubles and hardships whereas your lover is same as well but the difference with your lover is that you spend your whole life with him/her. In my point of view they both equal i wouldnt see my lover as more superior then my family and vice versa.
Reply 14
mysterious lady
Errm, then who is the present?

i dono its a saying :biggrin:
Depends on the situation, i.e. my brother (white) has started a relationship with a girl (Asian) and her family just found out. They've made her choose between him and her family, and she's chosen him. I'm sure if she had to choose for some other reason (so her parents weren't forcing her to) then the choice would be much harder.

I sometimes think about who I would choose if I had to but I've never been able to come up with an answer. To be honest the idea of having to choose if one of the worst things.
Depends on the situation, i.e. my brother (white) has started a relationship with a girl (Asian) and her family just found out. They've made her choose between him and her family

Unreasonable bastards. We are meant to accept "them" into our culture, yet they can't even date one of us. STUPID!

Pretty fly for a white guy :wink:
there are four types of love *waits for someone smart to post them in greek*

storge, philia, eros, and agape
Reply 18
awww thats wel hard. i duno who id choose. one one hand ive got ma bf who i love so much n cudnt imagine ma life wivout im but then thers ma family who, as much as they p me off at times, i luv them all 2 pieces... however at this moment in time i wud actuali choose neither coz both ave p'd me off 2nite
yh..depend on the situation i wud prefer to live with my husband rather thn my family coz of present life