The Student Room Group

Difficulty looking boys in the eye (or even face!)

For a long time now, whenever I speak to boys, I find it extremely difficult to look them in the face when i speak to them! If i try, i get really hot and embarrassed or my face goes all funny and i feel the need to start glancing away which results in me looking so rude and impolite. I'm 18 and never used to have this problem!

I don't find it difficult with men who I can tell are a lot older than me (like at work) so I don't know why it happens with those my own age! Part of me thinks it is a result of not having much of a social life for the past three years as at college I was such a loner as I found it difficult to make new friends after the transition from school.

Does anyone else have this problem? I'm going to uni in september and need to get over this desperately!
i do!!!!!!
lol well i have the same problem, when i talk 2 a boy i often start to make them smile for some reason and then i smile back, i think it makes them think i like them or something, but i dont trust me
Reply 2
Get more practice in.
Reply 3
Yea I know what your talking about. But the main part of the problem is sorted - you know what is happening. This means that next time you catch yourself not looking them in the face, make a concious effort to do so. If you find staring them in the eye a bit daunting try the 2/3s rule. Look from one eye, to the other, then to their chin, then repeat. Obviously not too fast nor too long. This pattern creates a friendly persona around you and yea... you get my point. Force yourself to do it when you recognise you arent:p:
I have this thing where I can't stop laughing when I talk to certain people, it makes me look so weird! Lol. (irrelevant but anyway!)
Reply 5
Look at them but not their eyes, their lips/mouth - you will feel more comfortable takling to them then
Reply 6
I find it hard to look guys I just look elsewhere with the occassional glance...but then I'm quite a shy person...
Reply 7
Lol! It's not when I am trying to chat anyone up in particular, it's day to day life. Like at work, I find it hard to ask the boys I work with for advice (i'm a newb where i work) because i can't look at them for the answer! I'm mad at myself!
Reply 8
i've heard its impossible to tell whether someone is looking at your eyes or the part of your nose between your eyes. you could try staring there next time

best thing to remember is they won't bite :wink:
Reply 9
yeah just remember not to go overboard with the eye contact when u do get it tho. it can be disturbing lol
Smile! :smile:

Also you don't have to look at them intensely/directly in the eye, I suggest looking for a couple of seconds whilst smiling (shows you're friendly, generally a good personality trait), then looking away. Preferably up or to the side so you don't look too shy, then back again.

Good luck, you sound a like nice girl anyway so you shouldn't have any problems,

Yeah i find it really difficult to look at guys but depends on what type of guy is it. if its someone you like then i find it extremely difficult to look at them. I think you should just relax or look elsewhere or try smilling.
Reply 12
I used to find it incrediably difficult to look my boyfriend in the eyes, it gets easier. I only have issues looking people i fancy in the face, maybe its because they will spot you doing it or something. Make comments, or get the wrong impression.
When guys look at me in the street and stuff, I always end up pretending I haven't seen them and look right past them... which is really annoying, because I'd like to smile back, but I just can't. And forget doing it with anyone I like...