As anybody who read a previous post of mine will know i am trying to be friends with ex. He has just started this really scary (only word i can think of) converstion he began with 'i know i have no chance with you now, but also that its is wrong for me to keep trying.' that was weird cos i hadn't realised he had been trying anything. he then said 'you don't love me then?' whats with that? The problem there is i don't love him but i don't not love him which makes no sense at all. Then he goes on about how a year ago we could see ourselves being together forever and now i don't want him, not strictly true, i want him as a friend. I replied that i didn't know what he was doing but it felt like a guilt trip (at this point i was also getting a bit upset, but didn't tell him that) he said 'don't be silly, why would i do that?' i didnlt reply that he said 'sorry i was only trying to help' trying to help, how the hell is that trying to help.
I dunno why i posted this, really i just want a bit of sympathy, and i guess i want someone to tell me what the f*** my ex is trying to do. Is he trying to guilt trip me cos i hurt him, does he want me back, is he trying to lure me back into a friendship with him so he can hurt me? What is going on?