The Student Room Group

my annoying ex

As anybody who read a previous post of mine will know i am trying to be friends with ex. He has just started this really scary (only word i can think of) converstion he began with 'i know i have no chance with you now, but also that its is wrong for me to keep trying.' that was weird cos i hadn't realised he had been trying anything. he then said 'you don't love me then?' whats with that? The problem there is i don't love him but i don't not love him which makes no sense at all. Then he goes on about how a year ago we could see ourselves being together forever and now i don't want him, not strictly true, i want him as a friend. I replied that i didn't know what he was doing but it felt like a guilt trip (at this point i was also getting a bit upset, but didn't tell him that) he said 'don't be silly, why would i do that?' i didnlt reply that he said 'sorry i was only trying to help' trying to help, how the hell is that trying to help.

I dunno why i posted this, really i just want a bit of sympathy, and i guess i want someone to tell me what the f*** my ex is trying to do. Is he trying to guilt trip me cos i hurt him, does he want me back, is he trying to lure me back into a friendship with him so he can hurt me? What is going on?
Reply 1
I don't know
He might really want you back
Or maybe just needs to have someone else
It sounds like the just friends thing isn't gonna work
Maybe separate yourself from him (even if it might hurt) and give each other some room and time
Maybe you guys can be friends later
But if you feel a little love for him really think things over while your apart
My ex is doing the exact same thing with me at the moment.

I'm sorry I can't offer any more advice, cos i really don't know what to do myself! :confused:
Reply 3
Stop moaning, you break a guys heart and expect sympathy because he doesn't react in a way that makes you feel comfortable? What is with girls, seriously, a little empathy please.